Chapter 16

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Tzuyu's POV

1 week later....

It's been already a week after that prom and after me and Taehyung won. And all I can say is that being the one who's responsible for something important like making rules and so whatever is really hard and tiring. I admit, sometimes I do get jealous and even envy Taehyung for being so carefree about this big responsibility and I know it's not he's first on winning this so it's really not a big deal for him.

I just wish it wasn't this hard for me also.

"Hey." I looked up from the pile of papers I was looking at and saw some of my unnies and oppa in front of me.

"Hey." I greeted back to them and went back to what I was currently reading. Someone suddenly grabbed the papers I was holding and settled it down at the center table, when I looked up to the person I saw Irene unnie worriedly looking at me.

Oh no, I know where this is going.

"Tzuyu, can you please give yourself some break? You've been working and reading that for like the whole week and sometimes you even skip lunch just for that. I know it's a big task for you but please, give yourself some break or you might get sick." She pleaded as I took a glance behind her and saw the others also pleading with their eyes.

Oh my, how can I say no to them? They're like my big sisters and brothers.

I sighed in defeat and tiredly plopped myself at the couch and momentarily closed my eyes while heaving an exasperated sigh.

She's right.

All of them are right.

If I don't take care of myself properly I might get sick and just worsen the burden I'm currently carrying right now.

"Tsk, fine." I murmured and when I opened my eyes I saw all of them smiling in victory.

I knew this was their plan.

"C'mon sis, I know your tired, just get some rest. V hyung will surely understand you." Jungkook oppa added and ruffled my hair, making me groan in annoyance.

Not my hair again! It took me an hour just to make my hair nicely done then his just going to ruin it! Jeon Jungkook! I freaking hate you!

Oh, and speaking of the devil, Kim Taehyung. Well, all I can say is that he hadn't changed even a bit. He sometimes annoys me but, most of the time he will just hang out with some random girls around here the campus. He's still courting me though and, I understand his situation. And I know changing from a pure Casanova into a stick to one man is hard to do. I'm not those other girls who's always jealous and a pure bratty bitch. I'm just really straightforward and open minded in things. But, if that man crosses the line I'm surely gonna dump him immediately and I wouldn't think twice so if I were him, I would probably stop that habit of being a playboy and instead help me in handling this big responsibility.

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