Chapter 21

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Tzuyu's POV

A week already passed after that confession making and all I can say is that everything went well. The couples are always sweet with each other, while there are the single ones, always ruining their moments. One time, Jungkook oppa and Jimin oppa nearly burst out of anger because of the others annoying them, if it wasn't for their girlfriends calming them down.

It was the time full of laugh trip because of them while me and Taehyung, we're just watching all of them at a side.

Anyways, all of that were all from the past now. And I'm currently walking along the long hallways towards the principal's office.

Another big duty for being the Prom Queen this year.

But, something odd is really happening here at school, I think.

Joy seems to not bother us anymore. After a month of her transferee here, she suddenly stopped mocking us, especially Taehyung. I should be happy because of that news but, I just can't seem to feel it right now. Something fishy is happening here. And then, here's the confusing part,

Joy seems to always like to go at the garden every time it's lunch break, but she's doing nothing well I mean, she's only sitting there staring at nowhere or maybe she's gonna check every inch of the garden, from the flowers on the ground until the big green trees.

Suspicious right?

One time, I asked Dahyun unnie about Joy liking to go at the garden area but, her answer made it more confusing and suspicious for me.

She said Joy doesn't really like going at the garden because she said it just a waste of time, and it's just an area full of dirt and germs. And Joy preferred staying at an area with aircon and perfume scented.

Like seriously?! Who's saying or doing the truth here? I'm confused.

Like today, I was only contemplating about my thoughts but here I am, stalking the girl rather than going to the principal's office to get the paperwork I have to sign.

Gosh! I feel like a desperate stalker right now by what I'm currently doing.

But, if I don't do this, I might go crazy from thinking too much.

Okay Tzuyu, just act normal. Just talk to her and get things clear. Alright! Fighting!

"Uhm, Hi." I awkwardly greeted, walking towards the garden where Joy is.

Geez, it feels like I'm walking inside a haunted house because it's seriously giving me the goosebumps.

"Oh Tzuyu, Hi. What brings you here? I thought you were going to the principal's office?" Joy greeted back, raising an eyebrow to me as I awkwardly scratched my neck.

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