Chapter 22

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Tzuyu's POV


Joy shouted and instantly ran towards the said man. Wait, I think I already saw that person somewhere from the past back at Taiwan.

Wait, wait, wait is that, OMG! Is that really him?!

My face also lit up when I saw that very familiar back. Yes, it's just his back I'm currently seeing but I'm a hundred percent sure on who that person is.

I can't be wrong, it's definitely him. What is he doing here? Wait, don't tell me....

"Tsk, it's the new transferee that I'm talking about from a while ago, tsk!" Taehyung annoyingly hissed and rolled his eyes, but I only grinned widely.

Gosh! It's been already two years since I last saw him and now, he's finally here! My best friend from Taiwan is here!

"Hey! Tzuyu! Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" I snapped back from my thoughts when I heard Taehyung shouted my name.

"Uh yeah? What were you talking about?" I asked, but my gaze was still fixed to the man talking with Joy.

Do they know each other? How come they're talking to each other casually?

"I was talking about going on a date later------------ TZUYU!" This time, Taehyung finally shouted loud enough for my ear drums to broke.

Gosh, I'm sorry okay, I was too preoccupied thinking about them.

"Wait, what are you even looking at?" Taehyung curiously asked and followed my gaze, landing to the both of them just meters away from us, as I heard him groan in pure annoyance.

"Why are you looking at them?" He added, raising an eyebrow to me. I was about to answer him when suddenly, the said man from before looked at me while smiling as I smiled back to him.

How I miss his smile so much, he's still handsome as before. But not as handsome as my playboy V, of course.

"Damn! Stop smiling at him, will you?" Taehyung grumbled, glaring at the man. Suddenly, the man waved his hands towards me and shouted my name.


When he shouted my name, Taehyung shockingly looked back at me with widen eyes.

"How did he know your---------" Taehyung was about to ask me the obvious but I cut him off by shouting the man's name.


I instantly ran towards him and hugged him.

Mr. Arrogant Playboy Meets Ms. StraightforwardWhere stories live. Discover now