Chapter 20

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Sana's POV

"WAAHH!! Congrats Dubu!" TWICE happily shouted including me when Jimin oppa and Dahyun announced the good news.

"Congrats hyung, better take care of my sister well or you'll definitely taste my fist on your face." Taehyung oppa playfully threatened as BTS laughed.

"Oh la la, someone is being too over protective here." Jin oppa sang earning a glare from Taehyung oppa.

"Shut it hyung, or you're the one who'll gonna take my fist." This time, I think Tae oppa is really serious about his threat but Jin oppa only erupted into fit laughter, sounding like windshield wipers.

Geez, can his laugh sound better than this?

"Oh Taehyungie, I know you can't hurt your most beloved hyung even if you're like that." Jin oppa confidently said resulting to Taehyung oppa's defeated sigh.

Yeah, even if Taehyung oppa is like that, a total playboy, he still cares for his hyungs and Jungkook, even us. And now that Tzuyu is here, it became even more better now.

"Yeah yeah, whatever hyung. Anyways, since there's no class for today, me and Tzuyu are gonna go out, so bye." Taehyung oppa informed and dragged Tzuyu outside the club house.

Oh God, since when did Taehyung oppa forgot mannerism? Geez, it's really impolite to drag people away without notice. Nonetheless, I'm happy that they get to bond with each other.

"Aigoo... Our Taehyungie is already changing back." Jin oppa exaggerated and even faked his cries, while clinging his arms around Namjoon oppa but the man only shoots him a disgusted look.

"I bet after Dahyun and Jimin became official, Taehyung and Tzuyu are next." Irene unnie smirked, looking at the closed door where her cousin and Taehyung oppa just walked out a minute ago.

"Probably after them unnie." Lisa suddenly said, pouting her lips towards mine and Jungkook's direction.

Eh? What about us?

"Your definitely right Lili, but I think my cousin and Tzuyu will be the first to become official if that bunny doesn't make a move already." Jennie unnie countered back, eyeing the maknae who's head is on my lap.

Yeah, it's Jungkook's habit, but I really don't care. The others already know about it, so it doesn't really make me awkward.

"Jungkookie! Just ask Sana to be your girlfriend already!" We were all surprised when Suga oppa, who we all thought was sleeping at the couch suddenly shouted, smiling like an idiot to us.

Son of a, he was awake this whole conversation, was he?

"Hyung! I don't want to rush it, just wait and watch." Jungkook reasoned out and got up from laying on my lap.

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