Chapter 15

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Tzuyu's POV

"TZUYU! Is someone picking you up?"

I heard my cousin shouted from the living room while me, I'm at my room preparing for tonight's prom. I was about to answer her when the doorbell suddenly rang, getting our attentions. I heard Lisa unnie's hurried footsteps followed by a high-pitched feminine squeal.

Tsk, I bet her prom partner was the one who arrived.

Curiosity suddenly sparked up on me making my feet to involuntarily walk outside my room and into the living room where I can see my cousin talking to her partner, BamBam oppa, her childhood best friend and ultimate crush.

Told you.

"Ahem, ahem." I fake a cough to catch both of their attentions, as the both of them turn their heads towards me in sync.

"Hi Tzuyu." Oppa casually greeted with a smile plastered on his lips.

Oh, I bet his also happy to see my gorgeous cousin right now. Tsk, why can't they just confess their feelings to each other? It's not like they aren't obvious with their actions towards each other.

"Hi oppa, are you here for Lisa unnie?" I greeted back and asked the obvious, a teasing smile plastered on my lips while looking at my blushing cousin.

Tsk, she's so, head over heels crazy in love right now.

"Oh yeah, I'm here for Lisa. How about you maknae, who's gonna pick you up?" He asked, while my cousin only looked at me curiously.

Seriously?! My cousin didn't know who's gonna pick me up tonight?!

"Me." The three of us instantly turned to the deep voice behind the door only to find a goddess visual standing there.

Honestly, how can he be this so handsome?

"Bro, are you Tzuyu's partner for tonight?" BamBam oppa asked while the both of them did a manly hug.

"Yeah, I'm Tzuyu's partner for tonight's prom and........

"Her partner in her love life."

Blushing would be an understatement for my current state right now when Taehyung said those words straightly in front of them. My cousin suddenly nudges my shoulder making me to look up and make an eye contact with her.

Great! Now my cousin definitely wouldn't stop teasing me about this since she obviously heard what he said just now.

"Woah. That's surprising to hear that from you V, from being a complete Casanova to a Stick to One Man. Hahaha, I never thought only Tzuyu can change you man. Your too cheesy right now you know." BamBam oppa blabbered while Taehyung only chuckled before walking towards me.

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