Chapter 36

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Tzuyu's POV


I surprisingly exclaimed and instantly looked at Taehyung to see if he was serious.

Oh. My. God. What is this man thinking right now?! Or the right question is, 'Is he even thinking right now?!' He is so spontaneous!

"What are we going to do there?! Are you somehow kidnapping me?! Hey! Answer me!" I freaked out but I urge myself not to punch him or something like that because his still driving.

And I don't want to be in a car accident again. One is already enough for me and it literally caused a big damage towards me. Having an amnesia.

And I'm telling you, you don't want to happen it to you. Because it's f*ucking making me go crazy!

"Hey, chill Yoda. I'm not kidnapping you or something like committing a crime. I just wanted to bring you to the place where the both of us first meet. And we meet at the airport." He explained, laughing a little bit and making me to calm down.

Phew! I thought it was something else. But legit?! We meet each other at the airport? I wonder how? I wish it was something good.

"How did we meet each other at the airport by the way?" I instinctively asked, when he suddenly burst out laughing making me surprised and curious at the same time.

Was it somehow funny? Because Taehyung is suddenly laughing beside me. Ugh! I badly want to remember everything now. Especially how the both of us meet. I'm really curious.

"Now that is a very interesting question to ask Tzuyu. Don't worry, I'll tell you later on." He said still laughing a bit and then winked at me.

I'm really getting more curious now. I wonder if me and Taehyung we're great friends from the past? It seems true, because Taehyung seems nice to me right now. Although, at first look you can clearly tell he has a look of a bad boy.

"What are you thinking right now Tzuyu?" Taehyung asked, pulling me back from my reverie as I saw in my peripheral view he glanced at me.

"Um, just some stuffs. You know, my past life. How I was before, and how we are before this incident happened." I honestly answered as Taehyung squinted his eyes towards me.

"Huh? What do you mean to say?" Taehyung questioned in pure confusion, as I shook my head.

Sometimes, this man can also be so slow when thinking. Like seriously, he didn't get what I just said? Slowpoke.

"Nothing, I just mean, what was our status when I still have my memories back then?" I asked, as I saw how he got surprised a bit before hiding it back.

Was it that surprising to ask? Or maybe it was something complicated to tell? I can't really say.

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