Chapter 25

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Tzuyu's POV

Just like what my cousin and Taehyung told me to do, I've been trying so hard to avoid Mingyu inside and even outside the campus. And I can definitely tell that it wasn't that easy at first because I'm trying to avoid here one of my very best friends. But because it's the only solution I could think of, or probably because my friends suggested me to do, I have to face it.

God damn this situation! It's f*ucking making me go insane!

Also, I didn't tell Taehyung about it because I can clearly picture out now what might happen if I tell him about this. For sure, he will only be angry at Mingyu and worst, he might even expel him even if it means arguing with his father about it.

And of course, I don't want that scene to happen here inside the campus. Mr. Kim in conflict with his son, Kim Taehyung is a big no for me. I wouldn't want to cause more ruckus with Taehyung.

After that Biology Project making at Mingyu's house, I've never opened that topic up to anyone except for Lisa unnie. When it was time of reporting it, I was very thankful that only one of us will report it so, I volunteered immediately to avoid talking much with him. Then, another project came up, and again it was still by pairs. I tried convincing our Biology Teacher to exchange my partner with another person apart from Mingyu of course but, our teacher was only angry at me for questioning his decisions. But then, my knight and shining armor came to the rescue and helped me in convincing the teacher but it only made the situation worse because, the teacher started rebuking me. And in the end, it resulted in firing the Biology Teacher because Taehyung burst out and started cursing him for being annoying and for spitting bad words towards me just because I disobeyed his decision about the pairings. So, Taehyung's father had no other choice but to fire that teacher rather than making the issue bigger.

See? Even the pairings caused a big fight with Taehyung and the teacher. So, my decision in not telling him about what happened with Mingyu was definitely the right thing to do or else, I don't know what will I do if ever I told Taehyung about it. Just thinking of the outcome with Taehyung and his reactions inside my head is already freaking me out, what more if it was reality, right?

"At last! That annoying teacher is finally out of our school. Serves him right, tsk!" Taehyung rejoiced beside me, as I only smiled a little before hanging my head low again.

"Hey, aren't you happy that our Biology Teacher is finally fired out of here?" He asked, intently looking at me as I only released a bothered sigh.

Actually, something more than that is disturbing my head right now.

"Don't tell me you're still thinking about his words towards you yesterday?" He added, as I slowly nod my head followed by his sigh.

What can I do? The teacher's words from yesterday hit me.

"You're really that affected Tzuyu?" Taehyung stopped walking and grabbed both of my shoulders to make me face him. I only avoided his gaze and looked at another direction while my mind is still recalling the teacher's words yesterday.

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