Chapter 28

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Tzuyu's POV

"Oppa! I'm going to the airport!" I shouted once I was already finished putting my sneakers on.

"For what? Who's gonna arrive, huh?" Jungkook oppa suspiciously asked, turning the TV off and focusing his attention on me, who's already standing at the door frame.

"Yeji and her friends are gonna arrive here at Seoul after an hour oppa, and I have to pick them up." I instantly answered and was about to go outside, when he suddenly stumbled down from the couch before running to get his jacket and immediately approaching me.

"I'm coming with you then. I don't want to miss this little reunion of ours, you know." He informed and went ahead of me as I shake my head in disbelief before following him outside.

Looks like Mr. Jeon Jungkook is more excited to see the five of them than me, huh. Oh well, can't blame him though, they were like close to each other ever since the day our families became friends with each other.

"Are they visiting us?" Jungkook oppa started the conversation once we were already driving at the main road towards the airport.

"Ani, they're all gonna be staying here for good. And also, studying with us at Seoul University." I answered while typing something on my phone, as I saw in my peripheral vision that my brother glanced back at me.

"Really? That's great then. But, why so sudden? I thought the five of them like it there, back at U.S, why are they suddenly going back here?" When he asked me those questions, I don't really know what to tell him.

Should I just spill him the tea already? On what I overheard from that conversation two days ago? Nah, I should just keep my mouth shut for now until I come up with a plan to stop them from their evil doings and after that, maybe I can finally tell them about it.

"Hey Tzuyu? Sister, are you even listening to what I'm saying?" I was pulled back from my trance when Jungkook oppa slightly pinched my arm.

"Oh sorry, what were you saying just now oppa?" I asked, but he only shook his head while chuckling.

"Day dreaming, are we? What is currently running inside that little head of yours sissy? Is it about V hyung?" My eyes instantly went wide as saucers when Jungkook oppa accused me of thinking about him.

Well, to be honest I wouldn't mind thinking of him every day, if that's what my brother is thinking about me. But for now, I'm just focusing my attention to that conversation I heard and not to anything else, not even thinking of Taehyung can distract me from it. Although, I still wouldn't mind, really.

Aishh... Quit thinking of him, Chou Tzuyu. Not now!

"See? You're even smiling like an idiot all by yourself there, tsk. Your seriously crazy for him sis, just admit it already." He added, as I glared at him.

"Enough! I'm not thinking of him, okay. Your worse than me, always thinking of Sana unnie even when sleeping, tsk." I countered back but he only laughed at me.

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