Chapter 38

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Tzuyu's POV

Two weeks from now, class is finally starting. So, to make our last few weeks of summer memorable, we all decided to go at Jeju Island to have some fun and quality time with each other.

How I wish everyday was like this, the ambiance is just as bright as the smiles plastered on my friends' faces. No problems to face and no risks to take. But, I can't be too comfortable with this because I know, too much happiness means there's still troubles to come in the near future. But, I don't want to think of that right now.

"What are you thinking?" I was startled when someone suddenly tapped my shoulder.

"Unnie! You scared me!" I exclaimed, putting a hand at my chest.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't want to scare you on purpose. What are you thinking by the way?" Sana unnie settled herself beside me here at the sand area, while the others are busy playing at the water.

"Nothing. Just some stuffs." I sighed and shrugged before leaning my head on her shoulder.

Because honestly, I seriously also don't know to myself what am I currently thinking right now. Like, nothing, poof, empty. Or maybe the opposite of it, am I too preoccupied? Aish! Whatever!

"Tsk! Just admit it Yoda, you're still thinking at that time when Taehyung oppa finally asked you if he could court you again." She teased which resulted for my face to heat up.

"Unnie! Hajima!" I whined, hiding my blushing face behind her back, as I heard her giggle endlessly.

I wasn't really thinking about that, but yeah, Taehyung asked me if he could court me in which I definitely agreed on.

But wait, what did Sana unnie just said? Again?

"What do you mean by the word again?" I curiously asked, making her to laugh.

Wow! Did Sana unnie finally lose some screws on her brain? Why the hell is she laughing at my question?!

"Right, I forgot you have amnesia. I mean, Taehyung oppa courted you from the past, didn't he tell you that?" She answered and asked at the same time, as I shook my head indicating no.

"No, Taehyung isn't still telling me everything but I understand him. What we have now is already enough for me." I honestly admitted to her because right now, I really feel contented with my life.

Although, I really wish to finally regain all my memories back. I know deep inside everyone, they still miss my old self, the one who remembered them.

"I'm really happy for you Tzuyu, and you're really lucky to have someone beside you like Taehyung oppa. I mean, the both of you really understand each other's privacy and I love how Taehyung oppa understands your current state. He still loves you just like how he did before you had an amnesia until now, and that's what I'm super proud of him. His love to you Tzuyu is very pure." Sana unnie stated while looking straight in my eyes, her eyes right now is glinting with happiness like she's somehow telling a fairytale story as I smiled remembering Taehyung's words from before.

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