Chapter 19

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Dahyun's POV

Thank God, Taehyung oppa and Tzuyu finally fixed their problem regarding with my brother's ex, Joy. After they talked about it, everything went fine as before. They started talking and hanging with each other again. Joy seems to not care about it that I think she finally moved on with my brother but, something is really not right here. She seems too nice to not do something fishy behind our backs and I know Joy too well, what she wants is what she gets no matter how hard it is. All I know right now is, we have to be careful and to be observant in our surroundings, especially when Joy is around. But that's not my issue for this week, even if I wanted it to be, I've urge myself not to think about her right now because of this,

Jimin oppa is being too over protective about me.

This past few days, I don't know if it's only me or what but, Eunwoo seems to be talkative and jolly towards me that it makes Jimin oppa boil in anger at the same time, jealousy.

"Hi Dahyun! Care to be my partner for the science project?" Speaking of the devil and he shall appear. Eunwoo immediately approached me after our teacher instructed us to find a partner for the science project. I was about to decline his offer when someone beat me to it.

"No! And she will never be!" And speaking of the other devil, Jimin oppa immediately reacted, attracting some of the student's attention and also the teacher.

Ugh! This is really embarrassing right now. I hope the ground will just swallow me.

"Mr. Park is there a problem?" The teacher asked, looking at the three of us, as I only lowered my head due to embarrassment.

Please.... Someone, save me from this huge embarrassment.

"Ani, there isn't any teacher. We're just talking, right Dahyun?" Jimin oppa answered, squinting his eyes towards me like, 'Say yes or the three of us might get detention here'. And like what his conveying to me with his eyes, I instantly nodded my head and awkwardly smiled at the teacher.

I hope my smile isn't that too obvious to notice by the teacher.

"Yes teacher, were just talking, nothing important." I added, as the teacher raised a suspicious eyebrow to us before going back to her laptop at her table.

Whew! That was close.

"Now, where was I? Oh right, Dahyun what do you say about it?" Eunwoo asked again, smiling at me.

Seriously?! What will I say to him now?!

"Uh um.... You see.... Ah uh um...... Eunwoo.... Uh..." I stammered and awkwardly scratched my neck because I can't seem to find the perfect words to tell him.

Oh shit! Why can't I just tell Eunwoo the truth?! Easy as that!

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