Chapter 17

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Taehyung's POV





It can't be.

It can't be her.


What the heck is she doing here at our school?!

"Tae? Tae? Taehyung!" I snap back to reality when Tzuyu shouted my name on my ear.

F*uck! I think my ear drums are bleeding right now, geez, she's too loud.

"Hey, are you alright? Is there a problem? Why are you suddenly so lost on your thoughts?" She bombard me with questions but I can't seem to process anything she's saying right now in my head.

Son of a, I need an explanation right now.

"Tzuyu, I just need to talk to my father. Please stay here, it'll be quick." I straightly said to her without breaking our eye contact, as Tzuyu confusedly nod her head.

"Dad, outside now." I said in monotone and abruptly turned my back on them and exited the room.

I need to talk to my father about this.

"Son, I know---------" I instantly turned around to face my father, making his words to stop.

"What on Earth is that woman doing here at our school?!" I burst out, glaring at my father for accepting that bitch back here.

Crap! She's starting to ruin me again!

"Didn't you know what she did to me?! Why I became like this because of her?! Isn't all of that already enough to make me suffer this much?!" I added, remembering the times when I was still suffering, that it makes my fist to crumple hard.

I badly suffered that time, that I tried suicide but it didn't happen because Jungkook and Jimin hyung succeeded on breaking the door to my room. And now, she's coming back?! For what? To ruin me again? F*uck destiny!

"Taehyung, calm down. I know how much you suffered from that, even I don't want that woman back here at our school." He explained and was about to reach for me but I backed away.

"Then why is she here then?!" I hissed, as I heard my father sighed.

"Her parents persuaded me and I can't decline them. You know we've been also good friends from the past. I'm sorry son, but you have to accept that." When my father said those words, I frustratingly face palmed.

Hell friendship! I knew he would reason that out! So, what now? Their friendship is much more important than his own son?!

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