Chapter 41

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Taehyung's POV

Class already started last week ago. It was still the same old boring lectures and all, but this school year is a bit special for me. Because, the love of my life is with me all the time so it made me forgot about how boring and uninteresting college was.

She always makes my day complete, happy and bright. She's my everything now.

I sometimes can't control my anger whenever I saw boys drooling over what's mine.

Like seriously? Can't they understand that she already has a boyfriend, and that's me who I'm pertaining to.

But, I can't blame all of them though. Even my girl is also irritated and mad over my fangirls.

Tsk, I'm too handsome to be ignored.

Seriously? I'm becoming Jin hyung now.

"I'm seriously going to punch someone right now if your fangirls don't stop screaming behind us." She darkly mumbled beside me while the both of us are walking at the hallways.

See what I'm talking about? My girl surely has a bitchy-attitude, and that's what I like about her, because she's very wild.

"Chill baby, they're going to be tired sooner or later probably, and then they will finally stop in annoying us." I reassured her and then I started distracting her with some other things like talking about what happened with Jin hyung and Nayeon after they bickered with each other just because of something nonsense, like who's prettier from the both of them. Idiots, right? I kept talking non-stop to her until we finally arrived at our classroom, some of our friends are already there.

"Hey, what's up?" I greeted them while settling myself beside Tzuyu's seat.

"Gosh! I still can't believe that you finally changed Tae!" Jimin hyung stated for the nth time this week. Every time I went inside here and then greets them, he always says that line.

It's so irritating on the ears now, seriously talking. One more time Jimin hyung says that I'm not going to think twice in throwing him out of the window.

"One more time you're saying that, I'm literally gonna throw you off that window." I hissed and glared at Jimin hyung but he only laughed it off.

A crazy, immature shorty.

"Oh, please Tae, I know you can't do that thing to your most beloved soulmate, can you?" Jimin hyung childishly said, acting like a cute whining baby boy in front of me right now, which definitely made me irritated and to scoff at him.

"I'll count up to three, if you still don't stop with your immature acts right now, I won't hesitate to land my fist straight to your f*ucking face." I threatened and showed him my fist and that seemed to instantly work, because Jimin hyung pursed his lips into a straight line followed by the rest of their laughs.

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