Chapter 23

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Taehyung's POV




Ugh! I want to curse our Biology Teacher right now for being too annoying. He suddenly announced a Biology Project by pairs and you know what's the worst part?!

He freaking paired my Tzuyu to that Mingyu!

Like what the hell?!

Ugh! I want to protest about that but Tzuyu only said that it's alright.

Is she f*ucking serious right now?! Everything that happened was just alright to her? Unbelievable!

But honestly, I can't also blame her. She and Mingyu are totally best friends since before she and I even met, and they totally have a lot of memories back then.

And I just noticed this a while ago, after the teacher announced the pairings, Mingyu instantly shoots me an annoying smirk, more like a smug one to be exact.

Son of a bloody moron, his seriously testing my patience.

F*uck it! Damn that teacher! I want to fire him!

Now, I'm here at the canteen eating with the others but I can't seem to focus on my food in front of me because of what happened back at the biology class.

That Mingyu seems strange at his actions towards my Tzuyu.

A week after his transferee here, like what Joy did to me last time, Mingyu never stopped pestering mine and Tzuyu's moments. His always ruining it. His much worse than her sister, honestly speaking. He always sticks around us, more specifically on Tzuyu. And you know what's his reason every time I try to shoo him away?

"Tzuyu is my best friend and I want to spend some quality time with her, no biggie."

Damn you Kim Mingyu!

About Tzuyu, she always seems to try avoiding him like what she promised me, but because that Mingyu keeps on sticking around with us she can't seem to avoid it and will just start to talk with him about stupid stuffs or maybe reminiscing their past when they were still at Taiwan. And then one time, Mingyu suddenly said something that made me angrier that I literally wanted to punch him that time if it wasn't for Tzuyu immediately stopping me. And you know what he said?

"When we we're still at Taiwan, Tzuyu even had a crush on me and will always tell me that I'm the most handsome man in the world."

His tone that time was like prideful and teasing at the same time. But I think Tzuyu didn't noticed it. When the three of us are always together, mine and Mingyu's atmosphere is always at tense but Tzuyu doesn't seems to notice it, and I'm glad about it or else she will definitely question us about that. And about Joy if all of you are wondering, she's always minding her own businesses, likely spending her time at the garden area, which I'm very thankful of because at least, she finally stopped on pestering me but sadly, another stupid person replaced her and that's her brother, Mingyu who I'm pertaining to.

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