Chapter 26

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Nayeon's POV

"Ugh, shit!....... KYAAHHHH!!!!"

I screamed, like literally screamed hard when I noticed that I slept at someone's bed or maybe room, I think. Suddenly the door burst open and revealed a person who made me more scream.

"What happened?!" - Person.

"KYAAHHHH!!!" - Me.

I immediately covered my whole body with the blanket while the person winced in pain for his ears while covering it using his fingers.

"Gosh, will you stop screaming Nayeon?! You even beat Mariah Carey's whistle in that scream of yours, geez."

"Why would I stop screaming when I knew I ended up sleeping here huh?! What happened yesterday?! Did you do something to me?! Freaking answer, me!" I shouted at the top of my lungs but he only answered me with his poker face.

"Seriously Nayeon?! Your accusing me of something that I don't even want to do to you, you know, that right? I still respect you, don't forget about that. And to answer your first question, you, Jisoo and Irene were super wasted yesterday for drinking too much alcohol here at my apartment that the three of you ended up sleeping here." He firmly said, making me ashamed with my accusations towards him. I was about to apologize when he suddenly spoke again.

"Oh, and also, with this handsome face of mine, you really thought that I would do something miraculous towards you when you we're still drunk? Tsk, clean that green mind of yours first missy before accusing someone." He smugly added making me to pout.

Oh God, I seriously retracted what I said just a minute ago, I wouldn't apologize to a man like him, too conceited and egotistical about himself.

"Ugh! Shut up, will you?! Who knew that you were someone who's too nice and loyal? Is it my fault now to accuse you? Even if you look good to do something bad, there's always a saying, 'Looks can be deceiving.' So, I fully have the rights to accuse you enough, tsk." I countered back, but he only rolled his eyes.

The heck! Is he a gay or something? He even beat women in rolling his eyes every now and then.

"Say's the one who's always green minded. One day, I will literally think that you have something on your mind that involves me, because I doubt that head of yours, bunny." He teased, making me to throw a pillow straight towards his face.

The nerve! Not in my entire whole life I will think of something perv with him! Gross... Like, Yuck!

"Hey! Not my handsome face! Anything but this!" He shouted, pointing at his face but I only sneered at him.

"Seriously?! Taehyung is more handsome than you! Unlike me, I'm born to be beautiful." I argued back, this time he looked at me wearing a deadpan look on his face.

Mr. Arrogant Playboy Meets Ms. StraightforwardWhere stories live. Discover now