Chapter 35

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Tzuyu's POV

"Damn! Stop confusing me more! You're not the one I love! Only Mingyu!"

When I said those words, I don't know if I was doing the right thing or what, but I saw hurt flashed through Taehyung's eyes for a split second that it made me want to take my words back. I was about to say sorry when he suddenly turned his back on me.

"I hope you know what you're talking about."

He coldly said before walking out and slamming the door shut.

Damn! Your so doomed right now Chou Tzuyu!

"I hope you know what you're talking about."

"I hope you know what you're talking about."

"I hope you know what you're talking about."

His right. Do I really know what I'm talking about? Or I only said those words to him because I was really confused towards his action over me?

Seriously, I'm confuse and guilty at the same time.

Confuse because I don't really know what I'm feeling towards them, towards him. It seems like I know Taehyung for like a very long time and we seemed to be connected with each other. But of course, I know Taehyung because he said that he's my friend and I only forgot about him. But I think no, I mean there really is something with Taehyung that intrigues me more to him.

And guilty because I said those harsh words to him. I know I shouldn't have done that because I was also only lying with myself and honestly speaking, I also don't know if what I'm feeling towards Mingyu is right. But one thing is for sure, Taehyung has a special spot in my heart.

I was pulled back from my reverie when the door suddenly opened and Lisa unnie instantly went to me.

"What happened? Why did Taehyung oppa suddenly walked outside?" She asked, confusion now visible on her face, but I only shook my head while staring outside the window.

"We kinda fought, and everything was all my fault." I said, more like of a whisper but I think Lisa unnie still heard it because I heard my cousin sighed beside me.

"This is what I'm afraid of, that the both of you will fight just because of this." She stated and crumpled her hand into a tight fist.

"Tsk, it's all their fault!" Lisa unnie added, crumpling the bedsheet tight due to anger.

Their? Who is she talking about?

"Who's fault unnie?" I curiously asked, making her to look at me with squinting eyes.

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