Chapter 39

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Taehyung's POV

After that day I gave Tzuyu that necklace, I knew she really was the right one for me.

She's my one and only love, for the rest of my entire life.

So, the next day after that I decided to bring her at Han River and finally ask Tzuyu if I could court her, again.

I knew myself that I was still courting her from the very start until she got accident, but because she lost her memory I got really scared that everything we had from before will just all go to waste. So, when I made sure Tzuyu really had feelings for me, I didn't think twice and ask her this specific question, again.

"Can I court you?"

And then, after that we all decided to go at Jeju Island to spend our last two weeks there before class finally starts. Now, I'm here behind Tzuyu because I'm going to ask her out in a date later on, but it seems like she's still day dreaming.

Because based on her current expression right now, she is definitely smiling crazily while still on her day dreaming.


"Tzuyu?" I called her name but she didn't listen and just kept smiling. I tried calling her name for ten times more but failed every attempt until,

If Tzuyu still doesn't turn her head towards me after this, I'll surely kiss those smiling lips of her right here, right now.

"Yes unnie-------- Taehyung?!" I nearly laughed because of her surprised expression right now but I urge myself not to.

That's what you get for day dreaming too much every second, every minute, every hour of the day. You will totally be lost with what is currently going on.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were busy playing with the others? And where did Sana unnie go?" I can't help it anymore and burst my laughter out while pointing where Sana is.

Tzuyu looks like a lost puppy right now, she's totally so lost with her own surroundings.

Aigoo...... My innocent baby princess.

"Sana left you here for about ten minutes now and then I approached you, but you were still day dreaming I guess because you weren't answering when I tried calling your name for like ten times more." After I composed myself back, I explained to Tzuyu what just happened as I caught her cheeks turning crimson red, making me chuckle at her cuteness.

She seems to be scolding herself inside her mind right now. How cute.

"I know what you are currently thinking right now Tzuyu. And no, you aren't embarrassing yourself in front of me and in fact, I find it really cute seeing you super lost on your thoughts." I honestly admitted to her as she looked up at me, her expression stupefied.

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