Chapter 13

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Someone's POV

Exactly two years after that sudden revelation, I'm finally going back to Seoul and staying there for good and to finish my studies.

"Ma'am, your parents are already at the dining table and are just waiting for you." One of our maids informed me as I nod.

"Just tell them I'll be there after a minute." I answered, finishing to pack my clothes inside my luggage.

After packing all my stuffs, I immediately went down and towards the dining area.

"Oh, finally your here. Come, let's eat dinner." Mom called as I went to my seat.

"Are all of your things already packed?" Mom asked as we started eating and I nod happily, as my father sighed.

Here we go again.

"Is it really necessary to go back to Seoul my daughter? I mean, your studies here are good and your even popular at school, why go back to Seoul when you already have everything you want here?" Dad asked, going back to the topic we've been fighting for over a week now.

Not everything Dad, not everything. If you only know what I want.

"It's true, I have everything I need here in States but, I just want to go back from where I grew up as a kid. And besides, my brother is also there with me so, you don't really need to worry about me, Dad, because we have each other's back." I reasoned out, forcing a smile just to end this conversation fast, before everything goes wrong.

And my plan on having a comeback will just all go to waste.

"Honey, our daughter is right. Just let her be, she'd been a good girl to us for two years now, it's time for her already to be independent." Mom defended me, as my father sighs again.

Phew, thanks for the backup Mom.

"Alright, you can go back to Seoul as long as you don't make irrational decisions, and you and your brother are always together." My father finally gave in, as I shoot my mother a thankful look.

Finally, I'm going back to Seoul. Where it all started and where it's going to end. Just wait for my comeback, I'm going to finish what I started and I'm going to claim what's rightfully mine all along.

Tzuyu's POV

It's been exactly a week now after that sudden incident and how me and Taehyung became friends. And now, were all here at the gymnasium to prepare for tonight's prom.

"Alright, so everyone is already here, let's starting announcing the events for this coming evening." The principal started, who I assumed is Taehyung and Dahyun's father, I guess?

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