Chapter 8

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Tzuyu's POV

"OPPA! I want to go to school!"

I protested for the tenth time today, but my brother is just so stubborn saying that I still need to heal my head or I may pass out again.

"No. And that's final. Stop being hard headed Tzuyu and listen to me, or else....." Jungkook oppa started.

"Or else what?" I challenged him, crossing my arms.

"Or else I'm calling mom and dad, and inform them on what happened to you. For sure, they will definitely be worried sick about you and then poof, you're going back to Taiwan for good." Jungkook oppa threatened which made me pout, thinking how mean could my brother be to me sometimes.

"Aishh.... Fine, you win Jungkook oppa. But, only for today, alright?" I stated as Jungkook oppa nod.

"Promise, only for today sis. Tomorrow, you can go back to school." He added before patting my head.

"Jungkook! C'mon, we're gonna be late!" Lisa unnie shouted from outside my room.

"I better go Tzuyu or else, Lisa will kill me." Jungkook oppa whispered which made me giggle.

"Bye sis, be a good girl." He added before going out.

"Take care the both of you!" I shouted and slightly peep my head outside the door.

"Same as you! Bye!" Lisa unnie shouted back before the front door completely closed. When the both of them were already out from my sight, I released a sigh and lazily walked down to the living room. Sleep was the last thing I want to do right now so, I'll just probably kill my time on watching TV. Being all alone here inside the apartment is so boring, that seconds were like minutes, and minutes were like hours for me already.

It's so boring. I wish I had someone to accompany me in spending my whole day.

And on cue, I heard a knock at the door making me curious on who was it.

Maybe it's just Jungkook oppa.

Thinking that it was just probably my brother, I immediately opened the door and started to blabber at him.

"What now Jungkook oppa? Did you forgot something or you came back to fetch me for school?" I blabbered, but my eyes weren't looking at front and instead, I was looking at the living room.

"Hey, Jungkook oppa? You know it isn't really nice to not answer your sister-------" I stated and this time, I slowly turned my head in front. But, my words got immediately stuck on my throat when I saw someone else.

It isn't my brother, nor my cousin.

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