Chapter 31

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Tzuyu's POV

Exactly two weeks after we made the plan, and everything seems to be normal. Well, were acting to be normal.

Every time me, my brother, my cousins, Sana unnie and Yeji are together with the rest of our friends, we can't help but to feel uneasy. Acting to be innocent and normal isn't easy as you think it is. It does surely need a lot of acting skills. It's really hard to keep this a secret to the rest of them for too long, and it's making me guilty every day.

But what can I do? I don't want to risk this plan to go all in waste.

And especially I'm not risking that gold to be stolen by Joy and Mingyu.

Yes, you read it right. Gold. They're going to steal the gold which is hidden under that specific garden inside Seoul University. And the Kim Family is the owner of that gold. And how did I know it? Well....


(This was the time Tzuyu eavesdropped on Mingyu and Joy's conversation.)

"So, since we already know where the gold is hidden, what's next?" Joy asked, looking at the tree beside her.


"Wait, wait, wait. How did you know all of this by the way? I'm still confused until now." Mingyu interrupted, looking at his sister confusedly.

"Aish! Listen okay? I knew all of this two years ago, when I suddenly over heard the principal and his wife talking about gold. At first, I thought they were only joking but when another couple much older than them, I think it was their parents arrived and said that it must be keep hidden from others, that's when I started to dig much deeper. Until one day, I heard them again talking about it and this time, they're talking about where its hidden. I heard the principal said that the gold is just hidden somewhere here inside the campus. And then, that's when I knew it was hidden at this specific garden, under that tree there's a hidden compartment which the gold is tightly sealed. But sadly, that was also the time mother and father wanted me to study at U.S. and because I wanted to gain more fame that time, I immediately agreed and broke up with Taehyung. Honestly, I only loved Taehyung when I still didn't know about that gold, but after I heard everything it was like all the love I felt for him vanished and was replaced by greediness so I decided to just use him for my advantage. And then, this happened. I decided to come back here not to be with Taehyung, but to finish what I started which is getting that gold for me and you. Do you understand now?" Joy explained everything, which made me very surprised by this sudden news.

So, all this time there were hidden golds under that tree! Unbelievable!

"Alright, I get it now. But remember Joy, there's one more thing that I want to get from here." Mingyu said and a devilish smirk appeared on his lips, as his sister only rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I don't care about you stealing that Chou Tzuyu away from Taehyung, tsk!" I was literally taken aback from what Joy said just now.

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