Chapter 6

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Tzuyu's POV

A week already passed after that crazy incident and nothing changed at all. Me and Taehyung kept bickering like a cat and a dog, nonstop. But, this time I made up my mind.

I'm settling this once and for all.

"Hi babe." 

The one and only playboy, Kim Taehyung.

"Hi my------" I abruptly stopped my words and composed myself.

Okay Tzuyu, you've got this.

"Hello and goodbye." I politely----oopss, note the hint of sarcasm on my voice.

I smirked when I saw his stunned expression and walked passed by him.

Victory is mine now, playboy.

Suddenly, I heard hurried footsteps coming this way followed by a tight grip on my waist making me to turn around.

"What just happened back there?" I lightly squealed when I noticed how close our faces are to each other. Gulping my own saliva, I gathered all my courage to answer him.

"Oh, that? I only greeted you. Wae?" I asked, acting like I was confused as he lightly chuckled and licked his lower lip.

"So, my baby girl finally fell for me?" He asked, a devilish smirk dangling on his lips as I internally groan and pushed his face away from me.

"Keep on dreaming, playboy." I reprimand, rolling my eyes on him as he silently laughed.

"Really baby? But why did you greet me then?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Wae? Is it a sin now greeting my best enemy?" I asked back, crossing my arms around.

I'm just playing it cool from the outside but, my inside is starting to boil right now, itching to punch his face.

"Ani, it isn't a sin in fact, it's a miracle that we aren't fighting right now." He stated, putting a finger under his chin, acting like his thinking.

Tsk.... Childish.

"Oh really?" I questioned, as he nodded happily.

"Really, maybe we can go on a date later? What do you think?" And.... The Playboy is back in action again.

"I still hate you." I deadpan and left him stunned at the hallway. When I entered the room, I immediately went to my seat beside Sana unnie.

"What's up?" I greeted, placing my hand under my palm.

Mr. Arrogant Playboy Meets Ms. StraightforwardWhere stories live. Discover now