Chapter 14

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Sana's POV

Prom Night....

Students, teachers and faculty staffs started entering the gym, wearing gowns and tuxedos of different colors. Actually, the theme of the prom tonight is Vegas.

Everybody looks expensive with what they are currently wearing right now.

"Shall we?" I turned to my right and saw my partner, looking so dashing on his black tuxedo while handing his arm in front of me which I gladly accepted as we started walking inside.


The inside really looks magnificent and unique.

I like it.

"It's...... Beautiful." I mumbled just staring at the view in front of us.

Every year the theme of the prom is always unique and creative but I still can't get over with the thought that every year this school keeps on amazing everyone, including me.

"Yeah, it really is beautiful." I didn't turn to Jungkook because I thought he also was pertaining to the view in front of us.

I also couldn't blame him for staring too long at the view in front because I, myself is also dazed with its uniqueness.

"It real--------" My words got abruptly cut off when I finally turned to Jungkook and saw him not staring at the front but rather, staring at me.

So, all this time I was talking to him, my eyes at front he was just staring at me?! What the hell!

I suddenly felt conscious with the look his giving me that I felt my face immediately heated.

"U-Uh J-Jungkook is t-there s-something on my f-face?"

Dang! Why am I even stuttering right now?

"No, I just found you really beautiful right now Sana."

Holy crap, did Jungkook just complimented me and my looks right now?

Okay? I totally didn't expect to hear that from him. I mean, yeah. Aishh...... Why am I even blushing?! Ughh! Just uh ah.... Okay! I have a crush on him.

"Uh Sana? Annyeong? Sana-sshi?" I was pulled back to reality when I heard his voice, snapping a finger in front of me.

Damn! Snap out from it, Sana!

"Huh? W-What?" I clueless asked him, blinking three times as I heard him chuckled before shaking his head.

Mr. Arrogant Playboy Meets Ms. StraightforwardWhere stories live. Discover now