Closer Than Before

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Hello to you all and to my first descendants one shot, so before we get started this first one shot is about Mal wanting someone to hang out with, and she chooses to hang out with Uma who still isn't crazy about spending time with Mal. But when they do, she finds out Mal might not be so horrible as she thought. Full of Mal and Uma friendship feels! So I hope you all enjoy!!

It was a normal day in Auradon. One of those days that people took advantage of, and just relaxed, whether it was outside or inside. The kind of day where nobody really wanted to do anything. And Mal was one of those people. She was just relaxing on her bed and watching some tv, while all alone in her dorm.

Evie had gone out to deliver some more orders, and wouldn't be back for awhile. So she was just hanging around, being bored and quite miserable. She kind of wanted to go out and do something. But she wasn't one to go and do that, at least, not by herself. But who would she want to hang out with. The only person she ever hung out with, was Evie. And if not her, Jay or Carlos, or both of them.

But they were all busy. So who was her next option? She thought of that for a moment, and it was like a lightbulb appeared at the top of her head, like in one of those cartoons she sometimes caught Gil watching. Uma. She could hang out with her.

Of course, Uma wouldn't want to hang out with her usually. (At least, that's what she always said. But we all know that is isn't true) But Mal knew she would find a way to convince her. So she got up and out of the dorm, to go find the pirate.

She searched and searched for her all around the campus, but there seemed to be no sign of Uma. Which was odd, because she almost always found her pretty quickly. But of course she didn't give up. And she eventually found her, just down by the little pond not far away from the school building, just skipping rocks along the waters. And so, Mal approached her.

"Heyyy there, Shrimpy!" Mal said as she started skipping rocks with her, catching her giving her an eye roll.

"What are you doing here, Dragon breath?" Uma asked barely giving Mal a glance.

"I'm bored." Mal simply replied. "And I wanted someone to hang out with. So you wanna hang out?"

"Now why do you think I would ever want to hang out with you?" Uma asked her with sass very evident in her voice.

"Because deep down inside of you, you care about me." Mal told her bumping her on her shoulder.

"Yeah, I don't think so." Uma said. Mal then turned her body towards Uma as she clasped her hands together and stuck out her lip. "And just what do you think you are doing?"

"Trying to guilty you into coming with me. Please?" Mal said as she now started giving her those puppy eyes.

"Those aren't gonna work on me. I'm not Evie." Uma informed her. Mal just ignored her as she stuck her lip out further.Uma let out an annoyed sigh as ahe rolled her eyes at her once more."Fine! Let's just go and get this over with."

"Yay!" Mal yelled leaping for joy as she grabbed on Uma's arm and practically dragged her to her purple Jeep Wrangler.

"Uhh, where are you taking me?" Uma asked as she got in the passenger side and Mal started driving away.

"You'll find out." Mal said mysteriously making Uma give her a smirk.

"Okay?" And as they drove for a little bit, Mal ended up parking in front of a building that said "Arcade" on it. "Um, what's an arcade?" Uma asked as they got out of the Jeep.

"It's a place full of all kinds of different games. It's really cool!" Mal told her.

And once they walked on in, Uma had to admit that it did look pretty cool. So she and Mal went over to play some games. They played some old wrestling game against each other. Uma, since she had never played before, lost to Mal the first time. But after getting the hang of it, which took a couple tries, she was able to beat Mal.

"Ha! In your face!" She screamed.

Mal just laughed in response as they went over to some different games. Mal was getting creamed in all of the games against Uma. "This is beginning to feel a little unfair." Mal said.

"Hey! It ain't my fault that you're just bad at these." Uma replied.

"Ok then, let's go for another round of air hockey." Mal suggested.

"You're on!" Uma yelled as they practically raced each other over there. Mal started off first, and hit it hard across the table over onto Uma's side, but Uma successfully blocked the thin puck from going into the slot. And Uma then hit it over onto Mal's side so fast, that Mal barely had any time to react, and Uma scored the first point.

"Oh yeah! Did you see that!" Uma yelled as she began doing the Cabbage Patch in celebration.

"What are you doing?" Mal asked.

"What does it look like? My happy dance!" Uma replied.

"Well that's just the first point. Soon you'll have to be doing your going home dance." Mal told her.

"Ok. Ok, let's do this!" Uma said as they resumed their game. The puck was going around so fast, neither of them even knew how they were able to hit it so quickly, but they were able to and that was all that mattered.

And soon enough, their scores were tied and they only had about thirty seconds left to play. "Ok, this it. Get ready to start crying your eyes out." Mal said as she hit the puck and Uma hit it right back to her.

It went back and forth for a couple seconds, before Uma scored the last point and won, and did more of the Cabbage Patch and then she finished it with a dab. "Oh yeah! I won! I beat you. What's my name?!" She screamed.

Mal laughed. "Congratulations Uma. You deserve it." Mal said as they then left the arcade and headed back to Auradon.

"Ok, that was kind of fun." Uma admitted as Mal drove away.

"I know. Thanks for killing my boredom."

"You're welcome, I guess." Uma replied. And as soon as they got back and Uma was about to run off, she hesitated and turned back towards Mal. "You know? Hanging out with you wasn't so bad. Maybe we can do it again sometime." Uma said not giving Mal a chance to reply as she then left.

And Mal had a giant smirk on her face as she watched her run off. She would hang out again. Uma made competitions a little more fun. Who knew? Maybe the two of them would become good friends.

A/N: So how was this? SimWoman2002 had suggested to me a while ago that I should write more stuff with Uma, and I honestly had been wanting to. So here you all go! I hope you all enjoyed it, and please leave some requests for anything to happen with the beloved Descendants characters! Until the next chapter!!!

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