Chapter Twenty-Nine - Betrothed

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The sound of tape being stretched halts me in the hall and I turn my head to see Starfire taping a cardboard box shut and lifting it up, heading towards me. "What are you doing?" I ask.

Starfire looks up at me. "Oh," she comments, and a smile appears on her face. "Hello, friend Ember. I am packing my belongings for Tamaran."

I smile to myself and narrow my eyes slightly. "Why?" I question.

Starfire pauses for a second, a small smile on her face. "I am getting married," she states softly, causing me to choke on thin air.

"Excuse me?"

Starfire takes a short breath. "I am—"

I laugh softly. "No, I got that," I explain. "I'm just confused." I take my hand off the door frame and walk into the room. "So the wedding's on Tamaran?"

The alien girl picks up a box and I pull one into the air myself in order to help her. "Indeed," she says. "And I do hope that you and our other friends shall join me in celebration."

I walk out of the door and motion for Starfire to follow, holding the door open for her with my foot. "Hold on. We're coming?" I confirm. "I don't know if you know this, but humans don't exactly thrive in space."

I take control of the box that Starfire holds and fly both to the bottom of the staircase at the end of the hallway, before walking back towards the redhead's room. "It will be okay," she tells me reassuringly. "Tamaran shares the same atmosphere as the planet Earth, so you and our friends will be able to survive."

I scoff. "Right..." I say, trailing off in disbelief. Starfire lifts up another bag and I haul one into my own hands—without the assistance of my powers—grunting as I do so. "You have a lot of things," I add jokingly as I cross the room towards the door once more.

"Well, I am not coming back," Starfire points out sorrowfully. "This is everything that I own."

I open my mouth to reply but can't think of an answer, and we instead walk in an uncomfortable silence. We pass Beast Boy in the hallway, and his mouth gapes open in confusion when he spots the boxes, a small, shocked sound escaping his lips. The others round the corner and join him in a heartbeat as we pass them.

"Uh, Ember?" Cyborg says.

I whip around at the sound of my name. "Yes?"

"Starfire?" he continues, and the alien girl lets out a small, questioning hum in response as she flies by.

"Going somewhere?" Beast Boy asks, a tone of accusation in his voice.

"I am leaving for Tamaran," Starfire replies, flying past him once more with another large box that she holds above her head.

"And you're taking all your stuff because...?" Raven prompts, eyeing the alien girl closely.

Starfire flies past the four Titans, pausing as she arrives at her doorframe. She turns around with a weak, sorry smile. "I am not ever coming back," she tells them.

In an instant, the four heroes bounce to life. They jump into the air, eyes wide. "WHAT?!" they all shout.

"Starfire, what's wrong?" Robin asks, stuck in place like the Titans beside him.

"Nothing is wrong," Starfire says, looking down for only a second as she pauses. I observe my teammates, waiting to see how they'll react to this news. "I am... getting married."

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