Chapter Twenty-Two - Winner Take All

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    Whoa. This took a while. It's been in the works for about a month: I was brainstorming ideas for it whilst writing and editing other episodes.

    I look down at the cards as I circle around the group. Raven picks once card from her hand and tosses it to cover the tree that rests on the top of the pile. "Fire beats Wood."

    "But Water beats Fire," Cyborg counters, tossing his water card onto Raven's fire card.

    Beast Boy's next, and he throws a card depicting the sun onto the pile. "Sun dries up Water."

    "And Thunderstorm blocks out Sun," Robin says, smiling smugly as he prepares to bask in victory.

    "I'm out," Raven states, throwing her hands in the air.

    "Me too," Beast Boy says.

    "I wish to... go the fish?" Starfire asks hopefully, and both the shapeshifter and the cloaked girl beside her lean in to assess her cards.

    "Uh, you want to fold, Starfire," Beast Boy tells the alien girl.

    She looks up at me. "Fold? That is good? I am victorious?" When I shake my head, she lowers hers in dismay.

    "Sorry, Star," Robin says as he stands up to gather the cards in the middle of the table. "I guess I'm just... invincible!"

    Cyborg reaches out, stopping Robin from gathering the cards. "Ah, ah, ah," he says teasingly as he holds up a singular card. "How can you be invincible if I've still got one card?" Robin narrows his eyes at the mere sight of it. "Come on, Robin. You know you want to play me for it. One last round, winner take all."

    I swiftly move over to Cyborg and examine his card, still maintaining my poker face. This proves hard, considering the rarity of the card that he holds. "Ember? What do I want to do?" Robin asks.

    I shake my head. "Sorry, Robin," I tell him. "You know my lips are sealed."

    Robin ponders the offer for a moment, then nods. "You're on, Cyborg, and you're going down!" He holds up his cards, examining them for the perfect one to play, whereas on the other side of the table, Cyborg waves his card teasingly back and forth. The two Titans stare each other down before Robin throws his card onto the table and leans back confidently. "Tornado! Beat that!"

    I make no reaction, but the three Titans beside me all widen their eyes. "Ooooh!"

    Cyborg lets out a casual shrug. "Well, okay." The teen leans his foot on the table and raises his hand before slamming the card on top of Robin's. "Boo-yah!"

    If the Titans were impressed with Robin's card, they're blown away by this one. "Meteor?" Robin asks, leaning over the table for confirmation.

    "The one-in-a-million wild card that beats all others!" Beast Boy tears up at the mere sight of it. "Ohhh... it's too beautiful for words."

    "Aw, yeah, baby!" Cyborg cheers, pulling all the cards from Robin. "Who's invincible now?

    I roll my eyes at the over-the-top celebration. "You got lucky."

    Looking over the table, I can see that Robin's fuming; he glares at Cyborg like no tomorrow. "Be proud and cheerful, Robin," Starfire comforts. "You competed well."

    "Winning isn't everything," Raven adds.

    Robin's expression changes to that of determination. "Yeah... it's just the only thing that matters." He pounds his fist on the table and I stifle a laugh. "I want a rematch!"

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