Chapter Twenty-Six - Aftershock, Part Two

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    I'm editing this and I've only just realised how short it is. Most of the episode is Beast Boy and Terra, whilst the other Titans are fighting, so I guess it makes sense.

Starfire grabs my hand and leads me to the intersection, where we wait somewhat patiently for Terra to reach. Robots surround her and she comes to a stop, looking at Titans Tower.

    "Well, we did it," Terra says into her earpiece, hidden by her falling hair. "They're really gone." Robin nods at Raven, and they, along with Cyborg, take out the three robots that surround Terra as I pull the rock from her feet, sending her to the ground.

    We walk up to her through the smoke, making our silhouette's visible. "I don't—No! I destroyed you! You're all—" The blonde cuts herself off and her eyes glow yellow. She shoots a rock at us but Raven opens a portal at our feet, and we teleport elsewhere.

    Terra cautiously steps back, her eyes searching for us once more. Beast Boy turns into a tiger and runs past her, and whilst she's distracted, Cyborg runs up and punches her, sending her back. The second she recovers, she's hit once more with a starbolt.

    Robin, Raven and I approach Terra and when she sees us, she pulls up a rock and flies away, only to be shot down by another starbolt. Robin attacks her with some explosive discs and she rises a wall to block it, and Cyborg's sonic cannon blasts her back.

    Terra stays down for a second, but when she does come back up, there's a new determination that has replaced the shock that was there before. Yellow energy emits from the girl and she blasts back Cyborg before a large, black hand reaches out and grabs her. Terra breaks free with a pillar that rises from her feet but is knocked off by Beast Boy.

    Terra's eyes widen when she spots the shapeshifter's form. "Beast Boy!" she calls out. "Beast Boy! Stop! Aren't you even gonna talk to me?"

    "There's nothing left to say," Cyborg says, his tone flat as he walks over to Terra.

    "You attempted to annihilate us," Starfire says as the four of us walk over, behind the blonde girl.

    "Did you think we wouldn't take it personally?" Raven asks.

    "This time, we're not going easy on you," I state, my eyes flickering a dangerous red to indicate that my powers are back.

    "It's over, Terra," Robin says. Terra looks between us and lifts up a rock from her feet, fleeing away rather than fighting.

    "Who's the coward now?" I mutter as we walk forward, watching the blonde apprentice's disappearing figure.

    "She seems quite scared," Starfire notes.

    "Scared isn't the same as sorry," Raven spits, angry at the redhead's sudden sympathy.

    "I don't care how she feels," Robin says, and we turn to look at him. "Terra's a dangerous criminal, and she has to be stopped."

    Beast Boy holds up his fist. "She will be. I'm going to make sure of it."

    Cyborg looks down at his forearm, then back to us. "Got a lock," he says. "She's heading east." I nod and lift Robin and I into the air, following Starfire and Cyborg as they head in the direction of the blonde girl.

    Starfire drops Cyborg, and he readies a punch just as Terra emerges from an alleyway. It hits her and she stumbles back before bringing up two rocks and throwing them at us. Cyborg smashes through the first one and I stop the second one, midair, before throwing it back at Terra. The rock smashes at Terra's feet and she jumps into the air on one of the remnants, avoiding Cyborg's sonic blast.

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