Chapter Ten - Mad Mod

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    Tell me that Mad Mod's theme in this episode doesn't sound like 'Soul Kitchen' by The Doors.

My eyes slowly open and black spots fill my vision temporarily. I tilt my head up to look around, only to find the other Titans trapped in chairs specifically designed for them. I grunt and yank my hand up, only to find it strapped onto the chair's handle.

    "Huh? Am I the only one who has no idea where we are?" Beast Boy's voice fills the room with his question.

    "Why, you're right where you belong, my duckies. You're in school!" A young man with red hair and a cockney accent stands in the doorway, and he quickly makes his way over to us, twirling his jewelled cane around. "That's right, lads and loveys. You're the only students at Mad Mod's Institute for Bratty Teenage Do-Gooders. And it's high time someone taught you sprogs a lesson."

    "Uh-oh," the green shapeshifter comments as we all struggle to move.

"Titans! Move!"

I give the leader an are-you-kidding-me-right-now look. "Seriously? Move?" Despite this, I still try, but to no avail. In no time, Mad Mod is in front of us, doing a little dance with his cane as we struggle.

"My starbolts are useless!" Starfire says.

I attempt to move my wrists, but they're trapped there, as am I. I try using my powers, but they don't come to me. "And I can't do anything either!"

Mad Mod walks over to me, leaning in as he speaks. "Specially designed chairs, love." I growl in defiance, staring him in the eye. "Can't have those nasty superpowers disrupting my lecture now, can I?"

"Get away from her!" Robin snarls, and Mad Mod walks over to him, hitting him square in the jaw with the cane. An energy comes from the cane, electrocuting the boy, and I watch helplessly from beside him.

"Now don't get your knickers in a twist, my little snot. I didn't go to all the trouble of building this school and filling your tower with knockout gas just to finish you off lickety-split." He walks in front of us, like a bird circling its prey.

"Then what do you want?" Raven asks when he's in front of her.

"Just what I said, dearie," he replies. "To teach you lot a lesson! Yes, I've been watching you children misbehave. And I hate misbehaving children." He points his cane at a picture of him and it flips around to reveal a picture of Raven and Cyborg fighting Thunder and Lightning. "Fighting crime." The second picture of the villain flips to show a picture of Robin and Starfire saving kittens from a fire. "Saving lives." The third one reveals Beast Boy and I, poised to attack one of the many villains we've faced. "Interfering with the plans of hardworking villains. Why, you lot are nothing but a bunch of troublemakers! But you'll learn your place soon enough. You see, I'm older than you, so I'm bigger, badder, and better."

"You are in no way better than—" I see the impending attack coming, and so I duck my head, bringing it to my legs before he can whack me with his cane and causing him to narrow his eyes at me.

"You're in my world now. And you won't be getting out 'til you've learned some proper respect."

"We will get out," Robin promises Mad Mod. "And when we do—"

He's interrupted by the sound of a bell and we all look around nervously. "Oh, dear, there's the bell, my duckies. Off to class!" One by one, we're dropped into the ground. I'm dropped second to last, and land in a biology classroom. Due to the nature of my powers, this is to be expected.

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