Chapter Four - Forces of Nature

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    Four in one week... I'm quite pleased. I've begun to work out what I'm going to do for the season finale and I'm really excited.

    "So, what does this one do?" I ask, pointing to another one of his gadgets. Robin and I are seated on the couch, Robin's utility belt laying on the coffee table.

    Robin gives a chuckle at my interest. "This one is used to freeze my opponents," he explains, and my eyes widen.

    "Oh!" I exclaim. "Like you did to Plasmas!"

    "Like I did to Plasmas," Robin agrees. "Although it's more useful when it actually works."

    "Well, they make excellent throwing stars," I say.

    "I'm sure they do," Robin replies, placing them back in their respective pocket. Suddenly, both of our communicators ring out, alerting us to a trouble. I groan as I open it, Robin shooting up from his seat out of the corner of my eye.

    "We have to go get the others," he says quickly, dashing through the hall. I run after him, and bump into him when he stops at the sound of Starfire yelling.

    "—clorbag varblernelk!" Stafire shouts, and I peer around the corner to see Starfire soaked in motor oil.

    "I'm a what-bag?" Beast Boy asks.

    "You heard the lady," Cyborg says matter-of-factly.

    "You are such a clorbag," Raven adds, shaking her head.

    "Come on, you guys," Beast Boy says, and Robin shakes his head. I remember why we're here and back away from his person. "Can't anybody take a joke?"

    "Titans! Trouble!" Robin says, his face hidden by the lightning. When it ceases, his face is revealed, and they look up at us, Starfire blasting the oil off her face with her eyes, and run after us in a hurry.


    "May we have fun here, brother?" The blue one asks.

    "Of course!" The yellow one replies cheerfully. "We are Thunder and Lightning. We may do whatever we please! Look, brother! I command the sparks to dance!" At his command, sparks of electricity run up the bridge, causing me to levitate in my place to stop the sparks from hitting me on my position at the top of the bridge.

    "Amusing," the blue one, who I presume is Thunder, comments. "Now listen as I make music!" He lifts his hands and a ball of blue energy circulates around him and Lightning before expanding and ripping the bridges support off.

    Lightning carves a lightning bolt in the truck nearby. "Let all who pass this was know Lightning was here!"

    "And Thunder, too!" Thunder says, pushing his hands together and making the ground crumble. I lift my hands and use earth to steady it before anyone gets hurt.

    They cackle in unison, and Thunder places his hand on Lightning's shoulder. "Most amusing," Lightning says, not noticing my effect on Thunder's attack. I jump down with the others, who were all situated on different parts of the bridge. We stand on the truck until Robin speaks up.

    "Hate to break it to you," he says. "But you guys have a lousy sense of humour! This ends now!"

    "No one gives orders to Thunder and Lightning!" Lightning says, readying himself to fight. "Taste my power!" We all jump out of the way as his energy blasts a hole in the truck, right where we were standing. Starfire readies her starbolts and flies at the duo, her starbolts aimed at Lightning's feet. He runs on cars to avoid her blasts before throwing some at her. He hits her and sends her flying.

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