Chapter Thirty-Five - The Beast Within

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    I remember Beast Boy's bad grammar and know that that's going to hurt me to write about.

    I look up from our battle as Beast Boy gets thrown back, gasping for air and clutching the cages as he struggles to stand. "I think my appendix and my spleen just switched places," he tells us weakly.

    The cause for his fall, Adonis, walks over to us menacingly. "You wimps think you can take down Adonis? Bring it on."

    I smirk cockily, reading my fists. "If you insist."

    Beast Boy has other plans on how to tackle the situation, as he slinks back beside us. "Dude, it is totally burned!... branged!" he corrects hastily, frowning at his mistake.

    "Ooh, bad grammar. That oughta scare him," Raven notes, floating up and down. Beast Boy grits his teeth and his nostrils flare in anger.

    "Titans! Go!" Robin calls, and we all charge towards the villain. Robin jumps on Adonis with his staff and whacks him, but is quickly pushed away by the giant as Beast Boy turns into a wolf and attempts the same thing, with the same result.

    Cyborg, Raven and Starfire all blast Adonis, but their attacks have no effect. I pull up a wall protecting the animals and shoot a blast of fire at Adonis, but he deflects it easily. This leaves him distracted and Robin gets a shot in with his staff, but before he can go for another, Adonis grabs his staff and punches him back.

    Adonis bends Robin's staff, and I begin crafting the Boy Wonder a makeshift one. "You're just making me more ripped!" Adonis states. Starfire throws a desk at him, but he catches it, struggling at first before pushing it back towards her. "No pain, no gain!"

    Starfire is sent back by the desk and Raven takes over Adonis' whole body, but he somehow breaks free of her influence before pinning her to the ground. My eyes widen and I toss the half made staff to Robin as I quicken my attack.

    "Let me go!" she gasps angrily.

    Adonis simply purrs. "You're feisty," he states, and Raven's expression becomes neutral before she sinks into the ground, and I tap on Adonis' shoulder just as a large pillar of earth comes crashing into the right side of his face.

    Cyborg wastes no time before punching him away from us, as I rush to Raven's side. "Come on, big man! Show me what you got! Show me what you got!" he shouts, stopping short when Adonis grabs his fist. "Well, okay, then," he mutters as the villain throws him through the wall.

    "Nobody out-muscles Adonis!" the villain bellows.

    I quickly turn to Raven. "You okay?" I ask, and she gives me a short nod and a small, appreciative smile as we both turn back to the matter at hand.

    Beast Boy quickly rushes behind the giant. "Oh, yeah?" he questions. "Well, my muscles may be small and ropy, but they're not... I mean..." A battle cry from Adonis and two fists coming down sends the shapeshifter back before he can finish his sentence.

    Beast Boy turns into a bull and charges, only to be caught by the horns and swung away. He emerges as a monkey and runs back, but is sent back, and turns into a tiger and charges again with the same result.

    "What's the matter, wuss? Don't you know how to fight like a man?" Adonis teases, attempting to lure the shapeshifter out again.

    "I'm not a man..." comes Beast Boy's reply, "I'm an animal!" He shoots through the rubble as a gorilla and after a few punches, bests Adonis. He then turns into some kind of dinosaur and swings his tail, before turning into a lion and charging.

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