Chapter Fifty - Mother Mae-Eye

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    This episode was a big challenge but I definitely enjoyed it! It might be a bit confusing, though, because of all the mind control and that.

    I squeeze my eyes shut before rolling over, freezing up when I find myself almost on top of another body. Quickly, I roll back, open my eyes, and sit up to see Robin next to me, thankfully still asleep. He soon begins to stir, groaning and sitting up as well.

    "How did I... Hey! I'm hungry," he comments.

    I rub the sleep out of my eyes as I wonder how I got here. This mystery is quickly overturned by my stomach rumbling, too loud for me to hear my own thoughts. The other Titans all stand up from their places too and begin to walk towards us.

    "Me too," Raven chirps.

    "Me three."

    "Make it four!"

    "But who is going to feed us?" Starfire questions. They all reach Robin and I, converging where we had slept.

    "Hello, sweeties!" a voice calls merrily. I look up to find the familiar silhouette of Mother, no doubt smiling down at us. "Now that we've all had a nice nappy-wappy, what would my hungry little ones like to eat?"

    "Pie!" Robin responds.

    I smile widely and clap my hands in delight. "Pie!"




    "PIE!!" Cyborg shouts, holding up his fists.

    With a nod and a small smile, Mother lifts her finger and six pies appear on the kitchen bench. My mouth begins to water as the smell calls to me, and I dash to greet it.

    "Thank you, Mother Mae-Eye," we say in unison, before diving in. I hurriedly stuff the cherry pie in my mouth, still being careful not to spill it all over my face, clothes, and the bench.

    Mother Mae-Eye almost cackles in response and begins to speak, and I listen hard to hear her over the hungry sounds of the Titans next to me. "You're ever so welcome, my children. And remember, Mother loves you."


    My back rests against the kitchen bench and I try to sink into it, groaning as my stomach aches. Cyborg and Raven wolf pies down their throat on either side of me, with the occasional juice being flung onto my body. I scoop it up with my finger and lick it, washing my finger with a small, controlled flood of water over and over.

    "Mmm... they're pie-licious!" Cyborg exclaims.

    "Of course they are. Mother bakes them with love," Raven points out. I manage a feeble word in response before groaning once more.


    "Now, children, eat as much as you like, but we mustn't be messy," comes Mother's chastising voice. "Cyborg needs his bibby-wibby. And little Raven has crumblies all over her face." She leans over and wraps a bib around Cyborg's face, before wiping the crumbs from around Raven's mouth.

    "Thanks, Mother Mae-Eye," the pair respond. Our mother gives them a broad smile in response but my groaning diverts her attention.

    "Mother, my stomach hurts," I whine, my eyes squeezed shut.

    "Oh, not to worry!" Thankfully, Mother's voice gets closer and closer and I feel a glass in my hands. When I open my eyes I see a transparent liquid inside the tinted glass. "Mother's little Ember just needs a drink of water to make her feel better!"

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