Chapter Forty-Three - Birthmark

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    I do have to say, Raven's storyline is really dark, and sometimes I'm left wondering how this is considered to be a show appropriate for children.

    I fly into the air and silently move over to where Doctor Light stands, around ten or twenty metres above him. I nod in the general direction of the Titans as I slowly lower my altitude and move closer to the light bulb.

    "Once I've drained the energy from fifty thousand barrels of oil, I'll flood the city in never-ending daylight!" As Doctor Light proclaims this, the tubes extending from the lightbulb and into the mechanism draped around his shoulders are overcome by black energy, before detaching themselves entirely.

    Birdarangs fly through the air and so does Doctor Light. I take the opportunity to pull a rock into my hands and break through the glass ball, before cooling it with ice-cold water. The other Titans surround me as steam rises from around me, and Doctor Light looks down from above.

    "You know, Doctor Light, for a guy obsessed with illumination, you're not very bright," Robin states.

    "Next time you're looking to steal something, you might want to pick a target we can't see from our living room," Raven points out, and Doctor Light glances up towards our lit home.

    "And don't announce your evil plans for the world to hear," I add, before smirking confidently at the villain. "Thanks for the heads up, by the way."

    "Oh. Well, um..." the villain cuts himself off by lifting his hands and blasting us. I jump back just in time, to see Cyborg standing in front of me with his sonic cannon at the ready.

    "That's a real pretty light show, but sound packs a bigger punch!" the robotic teen exclaims as he fires his weapon. Doctor Light somehow manages to catch the blow with his own attack, before following it with another that blasts Cyborg off the docks, screaming.

    I hold out my hand, and blue and white energy surrounds it like ivy as Cyborg is pulled away from the water before landing safely beside me. Just as his feet hit the ground, I am blasted by another of Doctor Light's explosions, my back hitting the metal wall behind me.

    Starfire fires her starbolts at Doctor Light, who does not counter her blows. Just as it seems as though we've defeated the villain, the smoke subsides and a yellow shield around him fades. Starfire looks on in confusion as he blasts her with a beam from the light bulb on his chest, and I pull her out of the water and onto the ground as I did with Cyborg, this time avoiding being blasted back myself.

    "We need to draw his fire," Robin says from behind a corner.

    Beast Boy nods. "You got it," he says, turning to Doctor Light as he remarks, "Dude, nice pyjamas! Do they glow in the dark?" The shapeshifter pulls his own boxers halfway out of his shorts as he says this before turning into a bat to avoid Doctor Light's beam as it continuously fires at him.

    All of a sudden, Robin leaps to the villain with his staff at the ready and swings at him, catching  his attention. Doctor Light avoids two of Robin's hits before bringing out a whip made of light energy, which, after multiple offensive actions, severs Robin's staff. I pull a makeshift staff out of the water and fly over to Robin as he somersaults back.

    Before I can hand it to him, Robin jumps over Doctor Light and Beast Boy pummels him to another level. We jump down and stand over him, watching him as he stands up shakily.

    "No one defeats Doctor Light!" he exclaims angrily. "No one--"

    He turns around as a shadow looms over him, Raven soon revealing herself from within the darkness. "Remember me?" she asks, her voice having taken up a demonic undertone that even sends a shiver down my spine.

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