Chapter Thirty-Nine - Titans East, Part One

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    I am so, so, so sorry for the wait! Hope it's worth it. Second chapter up soon.

    I gaze out the window at the sea, listening to Cyborg sing. "When there's trouble, you know what to do," he begins. I hum the tune from beside him, low enough that he can't hear me. "Call Cyborg! He can shoot a rocket from his shoe. 'Cause he's Cyborg!"

    I glance over at the Titan, who has now fully thrown himself into the song. "Doo-da-doo-da, something like that, oh yeah. Na-na-na-na, big fluffy cat, that's right! 'Cause he's the one that'll eat a whole barbecue. That's Cyborg, YEAH!"

    Suddenly, the front panel of the T-Car rings. "Robin calling Cyborg. Robin calling Cyborg." The Boy Wonder's voice fills the car, and I lean over to accept the incoming call. Instantly, I am met with the faces of Beast Boy, Robin, and Starfire, and I spot Raven on the couch behind them.

    "What's up?" the robotic teen says from beside me.

    "Oh, hello, friends who I am missing already!" Starfire exclaims, her pupils dilating at the sight of us. Her feet lift off the floor and she claps her hands in delight. "The sight of you makes my eyes sore!"

    "Yeah. It's been totally lame here without you."  Beast Boy agrees. "Raven stinks at video games. It's like she isn't even trying!"

    He points behind him to the half-demon, who glares in return. "Just because you glued the controller to my hands doesn't mean I want to play," she states, holding out the controller, stuck to her palms, for the two of us to see.

    Beast Boy laughs, and Raven pulls out his purple and blue floral underwear from his shorts, over his head, and starts to laugh. "Nice undies," I comment, holding back laughter.

    "So, how goes the cross-country trip?" Robin asks, almost happily.

    "Don't get me wrong, we miss you guys," I begin, looking at Cyborg. I smirk at him as I say, "but the trip's going great."

    "Just dandy," Cyborg adds. I watch his grip on the steering wheel tighten as he continues. "It's, like, eighty below, the hail's messing up my paint job, and WHY DID I VOLUNTEER FOR THIS?!?"

    Beast Boy pushes Robin out of the way. " 'Cause after Brother Blood stole your blueprints and used them to attack us, Aqualad and Bumblebee tracked him to Steel City," he recounts. "So now, they're starting up the Titans East to take him down, and you're headed out there to help the new team set up their new Tower."

    "The Titans East need your technical know-how," Robin summarises.

    "Yeah," Cyborg says. "And maybe if I stick around long enough, I'll get another change to bring down Blood... personally!" Before the last word, he smashes his fist down. I move my hand out of the way with a jump.

    "And even if you don't, a little time away from home might do you good," Robin says.

    "Agreed. Cyborg has been somewhat lobster-y lately." Starfire smiles at this, but all of us, including myself, look at her in confusion.

    "I think she means 'crabby'," Raven says, stepping forward. Her eyes turn white as she attempts to get the controller off her hands.

    "Wish I could help you with that, Raven," I say. "Best I can do is get back at Beast Boy."

    "Hey!"  the shapeshifter yelps. When I shrug, he moves on. "Somebody's gotta show these copycats what being a Titan is all about."

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