Chapter Thirty-Eight - The Lost Episode

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    Here it is! The Lost Episode. I'm aware that some of you might not have seen this one, or even heard of it... if you want to watch it, it's not that hard of a google search, and if you don't want to, it's not that long and doesn't matter much in terms of the story anyway, even in canon.

    "Only two more laps, Robin, and I'll be the new champion!" Cyborg calls out from his position on the couch. Both boys sit opposite the large screen set to the GameStation, fingers smashing the buttons on their controllers furiously.

    "No way, Cyborg!" the Boy Wonder fires back. "You're going down!"

    "Let's see," Starfire says thoughtfully from the kitchen bench. "A half a cup of dried zorka berries... four tablespoons of melted sputflinks." The pot boils over, but Starfire ignores this as she tastes its contents. "Almost done. Soon everyone will be enjoying my favourite Tamaranean dish."

    I turn my attention back to the woven basket in front of me, my eyes turning brown. Under my command, the dried plants begin to weave through each other, creating a criss-cross pattern.

    "Raven!" Starfire calls, once again diverting my attention. "Would you like to taste my homemade Glorg Supreme?"

    Raven looks up at the alien princess from her position on the floor, her back resting on the kitchen bench. "Not now, Starfire," she says. "I'm on the last chapter."

    Without warning, Beast Boy strides into the room, holding a boom box to his shoulder. I look up. "Hey, where'd you get that?" I ask, smiling at the Titan.

    Cyborg has a different opinion on the shapeshifter's music. "HEY, BEAST BOY, CAN YOU TURN THAT DOWN?!" he shouts. When Beast Boy either doesn't listen or doesn't change anything, the robotic teen whips around, controller in hand. "I SAID, TURN IT DOWN!!"

    Cyborg's attention is brought back to his game with the blaring sounds of the GameStation that are somehow heard over Beast Boy's music. Robin punches his fist in the air, letting out a content smile. "Yes! Eat my dust!"

    Cyborg turns around to glance at the game's results. "Aw, man!" he whines.

    I watch Beast Boy dance through the hallway, making his way over to the electrical panel. "Let's rock the house," he says.

    "Beast Boy, don't--" I'm cut off as he pushes a large, red cord into the powerpoint, and smoke billows through the room.

    Starfire's pots all overflow at once, and no matter how many lids she puts on them or new ingredients she adds, it doesn't go down. The mess from the alien's dish spews from the pots, with some of it splattering onto Raven's book, even spilling onto the half-demon herself.

    Bolts of electricity crackle from the powerpoint, and one bounces off Cyborg's head, electrocuting him. I run towards him and flatten myself as another flies in my direction. I smell something burnt and look back quickly to see my cooked basket.

    The lights go out and I storm over to the pair of wide, innocent eyes in the middle of the room. They blink twice before the owner asks, "Did I do that?"

    "BEAST BOY!" we all roar.

    "How could you mess with the main power source?" Robin fires.

    "You made me lose the game!" Cyborg's one red eye glows brighter than anything else, like a flame.

    "Now there will be no glorg for anyone!" Starfire's eyes turn a dangerous green, as if she were to strike the shapeshifter down for his actions. She does just this, and Beast Boy's left eye is left wrinkled, with a bruise to come.

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