Chapter Thirty-One - Haunted

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    I'm sorry for being so inconsistent, but I'll get better within the next month when I have more of a scheduled life.

    I pull my hair out of my eyes and spot Cinderblock, both hands out and poised to attack the guards in front of him. He pulls his hands down, and the ground quakes, sending the guards flying in all directions. The shields in their hands stick into the ground and I pull one out, holding it across my body.

    Cinderblock lifts up a car to throw but is instantly hit with pellets of starbolts, causing the villain to look up at us. "Drop it, Cinderblock, before we drop you," Robin demands, as we stand there menacingly, ready to attack at any given moment.

    Cinderblock throws the car in his hands at us but Raven holds it under her influence whilst I slice it through the middle with a large wall of water. Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy charge at the villain whilst Raven, Starfire and myself attack from the air.

    I ready a ball of fire and pull it into my hip as Robin whacks the giant with his staff. Beast Boy charges and rams Cinderblock almost over the edge, but Cinderblock throws him back, narrowly avoiding Cyborg.

    The robotic teen readies his sonic cannon as the lightning strikes in the near distance and fires just as the villain's fist collides with it. Unfortunately for Cyborg, Cinderblock has his next move ready, and smashes the mechanic Titan into the ground.

    Cinderblock pushes Cyborg into the ground in a moment of weakness, but just as he's about to finish him, I remember the heat in my hands and fire it, hitting Cinderblock square in the chest and sending him tumbling back.

    I continue to hurl fire at the giant, which pushes him closer and closer to the edge. Raven fastens a clamp around Cinderblock, and Starfire continues firing her starbolts. Soon, Cyborg joins us, sitting up from the crater that he's stuck in and firing his sonic cannon.

    Cinderblock falls down the edge, but it doesn't last long as he hurls himself back over, grabs the clamp under Raven's influence, and swings it around, sending the other two girls back near the guards.

    Robin twirls his staff around, snarling at Cinderblock. I pull a staff of my own out of the ground, wrapping it in a sharp layer of ice with spikes resting on top of it.

    Robin jumps up to Cinderblock and whacks him several times around the face, emitting spit from the villain. Cyborg joins in on the action as I begin my charge, but doesn't last long as he is instantly sent back.

    I stick my staff in Cinderblock's mouth, twisting it as it goes deeper, the spikes lodging themselves in his mouth and even coming out the back. Cinderblock grabs me in a giant fist, and catapults me over his back and over the edge without a second thought.

    I shield my body in gathered dust as I break through the trees, and despite this it still penetrates, scratching my clothes and skin alike.

    As I finally stop moving, the rain begins to fall, drenching me in mere seconds. The water seeps into my wounds, and the searing pain makes me groan in agony. I look up and see the remnants of an explosion where we were fighting, and pull a rock up from underneath me, forcing myself to get up.

    "Not if I break you first," I hear Robin say to someone from my left. I look around for him, but am only alerted to his location when his staff is thrown into the ground approximately one hundred metres to my right.

    Robin flips over the branch and lands a metre or two behind the staff, walking up to hit and pulling it out of the ground. I walk forward, and as he sees me, open my mouth to talk, but am interrupted.

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