Chapter Twenty-Four - Fractured

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For some reason, the quotation marks weren't working at first. I fixed it though, so they should be working now.

"I've reduced the injury to a minor fracture, but you're still gonna need that cast for a few weeks," Raven states to Robin as she finishes the healing process. He sits on the couch and doesn't spare her so much as a glance in response.

"I don't believe this!" the Boy Wonder shouts. "How could I make such a stupid mistake?"

"Please," Starfire says as she walks closer to the couch. "No more Robin yelling at Robin."

"Yeah, man, stop kicking yourself," Cyborg adds, shrugging his shoulders. "Accidents happen."

I lean on the kitchen bench as I twirl the now withering daisy in my hand. My hot chocolate sits beside me, barely touched as I watch the encounter unfold before me.

Despite my distance, I can still hear Robin's next utterance. "Not to me, they don't."

"Dude, I know just how to cheer you up!" Beast Boy says as he jumps over the couch, pen in hand. "We all have to sign your..." The shapeshifter pauses when he spots the annoyed look on Robin's face. "Or not?"

Robin begins to stand up. "Look, guys. Thanks for the concern, but—"

"NO!" all five of us shout in unison, and the four Titans surrounding Robin tackle him back to the couch.

"You are in no condition to continue pursuing the Johnny Rancid!" Starfire exclaims.

To all of our utter surprise, Robin doesn't react. "I know. I was just reaching for the remote," he states nonchalantly. I feel the hot liquid rising through my nose and tilt my head up.

"You mean..." Beast Boy begins.

"... You're not gonna be all crazy determined..." Cyborg states.

"... And insist that you are fine when you clearly are not..." Starfire adds.

"... And yell at us for trying to make you stay home?" Raven finishes as Robin slithers out of their now loose grip and grabs the remote.

"You guys can handle Rancid without me," Robin says calmly, waving the remote in his good hand. "With this on my arm, I'd probably just mess up again. Go. Take him down. I'll be just fine by my—"

    As the Boy Wonder turns away, he groans and drops the remote. "Dude!" Beast Boy shouts.


    "What's wrong?"

Robin's body contorts and the boy bends over, groaning and clutching his head. "Whoa," I say. "What's happening to him?"

    A large lump forms on Robin's head before falling off and turning into a miniature version of him. "Yaaaay!" the doppelgänger exclaims. "I made it! Robin! Hi!"

We all stare in shock, and I forget to hold onto my mug. "Didn't see that coming," Raven states, the only one who doesn't seem fazed.

Robin slowly stands up and brings his hands away from his face. "Who are you?"

"I'm, uh..." the double pauses, thinking, before saying, "I'm you!"

Brown liquid sprays out of my nose as I let out a loud snort. Robin looks at me, unamused, and I only shrug in indifference.


    We watch the screen as the two strands of DNA perfectly overlap each other, the word 'MATCH' appearing on the screen in red. "DNA's identical," Cyborg says. "Little dude was right. He really is you."

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