Chapter Thirty-Two - Spellbound

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I'm so sorry--it's been a while! When I wrote the main chunk of the episode, the site that I normally used was up, but now I can't access it, and so the last part was written loosely based off the transcript.

This episode will be a shorter one, since it's more focused on Raven and it's not a situation where I can involve Ember in her problem.

Several children surround a small, pink and red box, wondering aloud in awe. The box is lifted up by a silver mechanic, before Kardiak reveals himself in the bushes. The tubes begin to suck some of the kids in, but I pull them back slowly so that they are out of reach.

"Kardiak, you're under arrest," Robin says. The villain flies into the air and shoots four tubes at us. "Titans! Go!"

I pull rocks from under me and fly up on one, the others hovering around me. "Starfire! Launch!" Robin yells from my right, and the alien Princess grabs onto his foot and shoots him to the villain.

As Robin swings his staff, he is blocked off by the silver tubes attached to Kardiak and shot back into the air. I extend a hand and a literal water slide takes the Boy Wonder to the ground safely.

"T-Rex Takedown!" Cyborg shouts as he jumps on Beast Boy, who turns into a green dinosaur. The two males charge at the villain, but before Cyborg can fire his cannon, they're both thrown into the ground before being hurled into the air.

My eyes and hands glow brown and the ground below Kardiak shakes before wrapping around the villain, trapping it there. It quickly breaks free, however, and the rocks come flying back in my direction, diverting my focus on stopping them from hitting me.

Raven hovers in the air, eyes white, and several street lights fly at the villain, which are deflected with ease. Kardiak extends its tubes towards Raven, but she turns into her soul self--a raven--and flies away.

Starfire replaces her and begins her charge, but gets hit across the jaw and is sent to the ground. Cyborg does the same, but is quickly bashed into the grass in exchange for his efforts.

I turn my head away from the defeated Titans as Robin joins them and jump up, flying towards Kardiak and using a rock to shield my body. One of the tubes attacks from behind me, hitting my spine and sending me flying forwards, away from the group.

"This has gone on long enough!" Raven declares as I reach where they stand. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Black light shoots from her hands, enveloping Kardiak before tearing him to pieces. The explosion sends me back slightly due to my proximity, but I quickly make my way closer once more.

"Dude! Way to take him apart!" Beast Boy exclaims.

The car door shuts and I look up to see an impatient Raven waiting for us in the vehicle. "Can we go now?"

The boys glance at each other before shrugging their shoulders and walking towards the car, and Starfire and I join them.


I hold my music player in my hand, the back of it touching the hot surface of the roof. Starfire flies up to the roof and over to where I'm lying down.

"Ember. Would you like to join me in journeying to the mall of shopping?" she asks. "I have found these hair ornaments that I would like to try with you."

I roll over so that my stomach is touching the roof and push myself up, rotating my body until I face the alien Princess. "Huh?" I clear my throat as it comes out croaky, but Starfire does not seem to notice.

"Would you... uh... like to have the hair done with me?" she asks quickly, fiddling with her fingers.

As the redhead shoots me a nervous glance, I smile. "Uh... sure." Once I'm up and walking towards the stairs, I look back and say, "Have you asked Raven?"

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