Chapter Sixty-Three - Go!

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    The night stars shine bright, lighting up the sky through the murky grey of the clouds. Illuminating the streets is a stream of blue and red, the colours in sight before the deafening sound of police sirens fills the void of silence.

    As my knuckles turn white, I turn away from the roof's edge and roll on to my back, a low sigh escaping my lips. My eyes threaten to close from the fatigue but I force them open before rotating my body, now looking down an abandoned alley. From beside me, Robin lowers his binoculars and gives a soft nudge.

    "He's here."

    My breath hitches as I look down, and Robin jumps over to the other building. As the criminal lets out a confused, almost scared noise, the Boy Wonder holds his hand out to signal for me to stay where I am. I swallow my nerves and nod.

    My gaze returns to the criminal as the crowbar is knocked out of his hand by a birdarang. He stumbles back nervously, gulping audibly. "I don't want trouble, okay?"

    As he turns around, a swarm of conveniently placed bats flies into his face. I can imagine the scowl on Robin's face—after all, he came here to assert his own independence and brand. The last thing he needs is to deepen the association between him and his ex-mentor.

    "You should've thought of that before you committed the crime," Robin mutters, his voice almost unrecognisable in the shadows. He jumps up and, with a grunt, kicks the criminal back. As the bag of cash falls out of his hand, I pull it up and leave it on the roof as I stand up.

    An alley on the other side of the road catches my eye and I fly over there, promptly ignoring Robin's orders to wait. My decision pays off as I spot a criminal running from the commotion the Boy Wonder's spawned. I extend a hand shakily, eyes turning white as the criminal stops in his tracks.


    "Hey," I greet, innocent to the unsuspecting ear. "Can I have that?"

    The criminal spits obscenities at me as I walk over, ice gathering at his feet. My emerging headache recedes once more as I release my control on the wind, rubbing my head slightly as my eyes turn blue. Slowly, I pull the thief's fingers away from the bag before walking away and leaving him there.

    I fly over the street, depositing the bag of money with the other one. Once I'm done, I look down as the criminal Robin's facing is thrown into the nearest wall, hard enough for the building to shake ever so slightly. He groans and looks up as Robin walks over, fists curled in case he initiates another attack.

    "Hey!" he instead exclaims. "This isn't your town! Aren't you supposed to be with—?"

    "Just moved here," Robin cuts off. "And from now on, I work alone."

    "Where's your little girlfriend?"

    I take this as my cue, jumping down and kicking the criminal in the face before landing next to Robin. As I look up, I flick the hair out of my face with a sly smile.

    "You mean me?" I question, before shrugging. "Sorry. Just had to take out your little buddy over there." I lean forward slightly and point to the other criminal, the ice trapping him against the ground. He growls and is smart enough not to shout, but I render this decision useless as I wave at him and call out, "Hi!"

    I pull a set of handcuffs out of my belt, and Robin's eyes turn to slits. "I had it under control," he grumbles.

    I look up and blow the hair out of my eye. "I know you did. But I had it under control sooner."

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