Chapter Sixty-Nine - Trouble in Tokyo, Part Three

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    "All right" —I look down at the yen in my hand, closing my fist around it— "we have enough for two ice creams if you want one, but I don't think that's embracing the Japanese culture. What do you think?"

    Robin and I stroll through the bustling streets of Tokyo with our eyes on each other. Around us, everything is still lit up to what seems like its full capacity, despite it being the middle of the day. It feels like everyone in the entire city is out and about with their errands to run.

    I'm able to use my peripheral vision to avoid any and all people that move in our direction—sometimes, that includes pushing a distracted Robin out of the pedestrians' way too. The blaring sun that shines down on us all prompts some to wear wide brim hats or equip themselves with sun umbrellas, making the game of dodging all the more difficult.

    Robin nods absentmindedly. "Yeah," he muses softly. "Sure."

    I grin mischievously, knowing all too well he wasn't listening. "So you will go bungee jumping with me?"

    The Boy Wonder freezes up, ears perking. His eyes have dilated to the size of saucers and his grip on my hand has loosened as his jaw drops. By not listening, he's cornered himself into this game of who can go the furthest while pretending he had, indeed, been paying attention.

    "I'm sorry?"

    "Oh. Weren't you listening to what I was saying?"

    Robin forces a chuckle. "Of course I was," he says, squeezing my hand. "I always listen to you."

    "It's okay. I know you were." I let go of his hand and skip forward a few steps, turning around to face him with a wicked grin. "So... what would you say is the weirdest thing to eat in Tokyo?"

    My boyfriend stares at me and blinks through the confusion. "I-I thought you said bungee jumping," he states slowly. "Which one was it?"

    I grin. "Neither." I feel my eyes ignite with a dangerous spark, though no colour shows in them. "It was even more crazy."


    Robin, having since caught up to me, nudges me in my side. I turn to him and he grins, but the look in his eyes gradually becomes more distant and the smile on his lips dissipates as he turns away. I don't have to ask to know what's bothering him—who else could it be but Brushogun?—and my giddy attitude begins to fade too, dampened by his change of mood.


    I sit at the very top of Mount Fuji, sighing in relief as I stare out at Tokyo. From beside me, Robin's teeth chatter uncontrollably as he struggles to catch up to me. I purse my lips guiltily and begin to warm up my hands—not too hot for the Boy Wonder—and hold him in my warm embrace once he finally reaches me.

    "You okay?" I question softly, my hand running through his frozen and matted hair.

    "So... c-cold" he mumbles, and I pull him into me.

    "Sorry." I flash the Boy Wonder a smile he can't see, but he hears it in the tone of my voice. "If you had've said something earlier, we could have stopped."

    Robin shakes his head. Both of us know he's too stubborn for that. Instead, he replies, "Y-you should have done this w-with S-Starfire."

    I giggle. "I'm realising that now."

    My laughter dies down and mingles with an uncomfortable silence that I'm desperate to break. For once, however, I don't know what to say with Robin. His locked thoughts on the case make it even harder to strike a new conversation.

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