Chapter Thirty - Crash

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    I had to do three first drafts for this chapter--THREE!! Each time, it didn't save right, so I lost everything that I had done. Hope it's good.

    I push the quilt off my body as I sit up on my bed, clutching my nose as a thick liquid oozes down it and into my mouth. I quickly get changed and rush into the bathroom, spitting into the sink and washing it out before racing into the main quarters.

    The second the doors open, I race through to the tissue box and pull out half a dozen of them, stuffing both my nostrils and opening my mouth so I can still breathe.

    "Ember?" a voice asks from behind me, and I freeze up before slowly turning around to face Starfire, who stands in the entrance cautiously. "You are bleeding."

    I give a light chuckle in hopes of making a joke of the situation. "I am," I state, pulling all but one tissue out of my bleeding nostril and closing my mouth. "Just a blood nose. Nothing to worry about."

    Starfire flies into the kitchen and pulls out a bowl, a wooden spoon, and several Tamaranean ingredients. "I shall make you some Gloork. It should make the nasty feelings go away."

    I open my mouth to object, but the door soon opens and Robin strides through, humming a happy tune. I pull the last tissues out of my nose and pray that it's gone, flying the tissues into the bin before turning to greet the masked leader with a smile.

    "Hey, guys," he says, turning to Starfire. "What are you making?"

    The alien Princess looks up. "Some Glorrk for Ember. She is not feeling the well."

    Robin's gaze shifts to me and as our eyes lock, I say, "I'm fine. Really, Starfire. I don't need the Glorrk."

    Robin opens his mouth, most likely to ask another question, but he is interrupted as Beast Boy flies past us, almost knocking the three of us over.

    "What was that about?" I ask.

    "No clue," the Boy Wonder replies.

    Beast Boy sets himself up on the couch, controller in hand, as he loads up the GameStation. "Look out, monkeys, here I--" The CD that he had inserted into the GameStation pops out, and Beast Boy's figure deflates at the sight of it.

    "GameStation must not have enough horsepower..." he says to himself, "... but I bet the Titan mainframe does." As quickly as he entered, he left, passing an unamused Raven in the hallway.

    "Any idea where Beast Boy's headed off to?" she asks us, apparently not caring for the answer.

    "To play his new game, I assume," I state. "He must've been trying to load it up on the GameStation." I suddenly remember where Beast Boy said that he was headed, and my eyes widen.

    "BEAST BOY!!" I shout, running after him. I misjudge when the door opens and my shoulder collides with it on the way out, but I ignore it momentarily as I fly into the room with the Titan mainframe.

    I hear a shriek coming from Cyborg's room, followed by his own laughter. Metal on the floor sounds and I walk in the direction of Cyborg, meeting Beast Boy on the way.

    "Cyborg, come back!" he shouts.

    "What is going on?" Robin demands, standing up and glaring at Beast Boy.

    "Oh, I'll tell you what's going on," Cyborg says from the couch, startling me. "This is the best peanut brittle I've ever tasted!" He stoops down to its height and begins to lick the object.

    Whilst the others watch Cyborg in concern, I turn to the green shapeshifter. "What did you do, Beast Boy?"

    "Nothing!" Beast Boy squawks, itching his neck anxiously. "He's, uh... just excited. I got an advanced copy of Mega-Monkeys Four."

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