Chapter Fifty-One - The End, Part One

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    Guess who's been binging Titans season three? Me. Do I regret it? Of course not! It's incredible—if you can watch the series, I'd highly recommend doing so.


    I step outside to an apocalyptic wasteland. Uncontrolled fires dance around me and I part them as I walk through, observing my surroundings. Eventually, I stop splitting the flames and simply walk through them, soon making my way out.

    The library where we stumbled upon Raven's prophecy stands before me, more worn down than I remember it. I slowly sink to the floor until my knees hug my chest, and I pick up a handful of dirt. It runs through my fingers calmly but I feel its warmth heating up my fingers. The soil crumbles beneath my touch and I step back quickly as it turns red in my hand.


    I whip around at the sound of a familiar voice. Raven crouches down near where I was and beckons for me to join her.

    "What did you say?"

    My voice comes out in a harsh whisper, but Raven seems unfazed. "They're embers, not dirt." She picks some up in her hand and winces at the heat. I walk over to her, crouch down, and take it out of her hands. The black outer layers paint my hands that colour and I wipe it off, onto my clothes.

    "What's going on?" Raven hesitates, and I become more determined for answers. "Where are the others?"

    "Not here. They're gone."

    "What do you mean, they're gone?"

    "I think you know what I mean." Raven stands up and takes off her hood, offering her hand to me. I take it and stand up slowly, watching her intently. "They're dead. Everyone in the world is. You should be, too."

    "Then how am I here?"

    Raven sighs, and I worry I've gone too far. "I don't know. Either through your own powers or through me. But I have to warn someone."

    I pinch the space in between my eyes tiredly, sick of this guessing game. "Warn them of what?"

    Raven pauses and I look away as she says, "The world is ending, and there's nothing we can do to stop it."

    A harsh knock on the door startles me awake, but my head finds its way back to my pillow before it opens. The contents of my dream run through my head and I take out my confusion in the pillow with a muffled groan.

    "Hey," Robin's morning voice sounds. "Can I come in?"

    I mumble, "Yeah," and nod my head, in case he couldn't hear me. Either way, he gets the message as he walks in and squats next to the bed, grabbing my overhanging hand.

    "Ember? Come on. I want to show you something."

    I shake my head slowly, not ready to deal with the events of the day. "N-no..." I muster. "I wanna sleep."

    Robin's hot breath fans my neck and my hairs stand on end. I feel his lips plant a kiss behind my ear, then my jawline, then right next to my mouth. "You'll like it," he says, almost as a question.

    I roll onto my side so that I am facing Robin, and he smiles. Frowning, I try to push the hair away from my face but it makes it messier. I huff and almost sit up to try again but stop myself when I see the look Robin's sending me. "Fine," I say, and he grins. "Just... get out so I can get dressed."

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