Chapter Seven - Switched

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This one constantly confused me, to the point where I had to write down who was in what body. Despite this, it was still fun to write, so enjoy.

    "Azarath Metrion Zinthos..." Raven mutters, levitating near the window. I look up from my book to see Starfire walking over to her with hopeful eyes.

"Raven?" She asks, but the girl doesn't move. "Raven? Please forgive my interruption, but have you seen Robin?"

"No," she curtly replies. "Ember's more likely to have seen him." At her words, I stick my nose back in my book and pretend not to have heard.

"Oh. Perhaps you have seen Cyborg?"


"Beast Boy?"

"My eyes are closed, Starfire. I haven't seen anyone."

"They must be doing the hanging out someplace," She looks around in an effort to find me, but somehow doesn't spot me. "Perhaps we should do the hanging out with Ember. We never have before, and conceivably it could be fun. We might journey to the mall of shopping, or perform braiding manoeuvres upon each other's hair, or..." I watch as she trails off, a black aura surrounding the levitating girl in front of her. "You wish to be alone?"

Starfire backs off, but Raven still doesn't move. "How could you tell?" She goes back to meditating as Starfire backs away further. "Azarath Metrion Zinth—"

"Mail call!" Cyborg shouts from the doorway, Beast Boy and Robin on either side of him. He's holding an unassuming crate, marked with our address. Raven lets out a yell as she hits the floor with a loud thud, and Starfire rushes up to the boys in excitement.

"Robin! Cyborg! Beast Boy! You are back! It was... quiet while you were gone."

Raven stands up, dusting herself off. "Not that quiet," she remarks, and I stand up too, closing my book.

    "Check it out," Beast Boy says as we gather around the box. "This was sitting by the front door. Fam mail, probably a gift from one of my many admirers."

I ignore Beast Boy's self appointed superiority and focus on the crate instead. "Actually, it doesn't say who it's from," Robin states.

    "Or who it's for," I note.

    "Well," Cyborg says. "Only one way to find out." He opens the box and we all peer over anxiously. In the box lie six puppets, each a replica of one Titan. "Whoa!"

    "Cool!" Robin says, and Starfire giggles. Neither Beast Boy or Raven look too fazed by the puppets.

    "Honestly, I was kinda hoping for chocolate," Beast Boy says, and I snicker at his response.

    Cyborg reaches in and pulls his out, studying it. "Aww, isn't that cute?" He says, pressing some buttons on the puppet. "Puppet Cy has a light-up eye."

    Everyone else gets theirs out, looking at them in awe. "Yeah. They got all the details just right," Robin states, pulling at the mechanism on his replica's utility belt.

    "Speak for yourself," Beast Boy says. "I'm way better looking than this, and taller."

    I look at Beast Boy, deadpanned. "It's a puppet, Beast Boy," I point out. "Can't exactly be life size."

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