Chapter Forty-Nine - Overdrive

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    My back welcomes the cushioning the couch has to offer, my neck resting on Robin's shoulder as his arm is wrapped around me. On the screen, a zombie movie—Beast Boy's choice—plays, and the zombies depicted in it begin walking freakishly towards the camera.

    "It's here! It's here!"

    I almost jump out of my skin at the shouting, holding my hand to my heart to calm down. My eyes peel away from the screen as I turn my entire body, forearms resting on the back of the couch as I shoot Cyborg a curious glance. A cardboard box sits behind him, wheeled in by a delivery man who ducks out the instant he can.

    "What's here?" Robin jumps over the couch and the rest of us do the same, walking up to the Titan.

    "My super-new, super-fast, super-powerful Maximum-7!"

    I freeze, blinking away the confusion. "Please, what is a Maximum-7?" Starfire inquires, and I jerk my head in her direction.

    "What she said."

    "It's a new computer processor, eight times faster than the Maximum-6," Robin informs us. Smirking, he turns to Cyborg. "So, I guess we're upgrading the Titans' computer?"

    Cyborg momentarily stops swooning over the box and its contents and shakes his head adamantly. "No, we're upgrading me!" he exclaims. "With the Maximum-7, I'll be able to do more, see more, and get more out of life than ever!"

    Beast Boy's eyes widen in alarm. "Dude! You actually want to do more stuff My goal in life is maximum couch time." To exercise his point, the teen leans on the couch behind him, and I roll my eyes.

    "Is your system compatible with it?" Cyborg catches my weary expression as I stare at the box beside him, frowning at it. "I mean, it's pretty modern technology."

    "I'm with Ember on this one," Robin agrees. "I understand wanting to live life to its fullest, but... putting a chip in your brain?"

    "My head's already full of chips," Cyborg states, tapping his head pointedly. Turning to me, he adds, "And I ran a complete diagnostic before I ordered it. The Max-7 is fully compatible with all my systems. Totally safe."

    Having said enough already, he elbows the cardboard box and the sides fall apart. Inside lies a floating chip, and I walk towards it in wonder.


    "Yeah, that looks safe."

    Cyborg shoots the half-demon a death glare. "Like I said... completely safe." He pinches the chip from before our eyes and backs away slowly. "Now, I am not wasting another minute without this baby spicing my life up. See ya!" With that, the robotic Titan salutes us before running out of the room.

    "I can't wait for this to go wrong," I deadpan, lifting myself up. I flip back onto the couch, releasing a short breath as I grab the remote. "Shall we?"


    Adonis makes me sick, I think as I watch him throw a man's weights into the ocean with a maniac laugh. He towers over the citizens playing beach volleyball, and they waste no time in fleeing from the scene. As Adonis continues to laugh, a blast from Cyborg's sonic cannon throws him to the sand, hitting the bus behind him with a grunt.

    "What's the matter, Adonis? Starting to feel the burn?" Robin questions, arms folded as we stand before the villain.

    Adonis begins to stand up, fists curled. "You weaklings don't stand a chance!" he roars, before grabbing the bus behind him and holding it up. "Adonis has upgraded!"

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