Chapter Fifty-Six - Trust

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    "Hello? Wildebeest, are you there?"


    I sigh and turn to Robin. His hands are cupped over his mouth, but he removes them after this cry to glance at me. My hand travels to where I store my communicator and my fingers wrap around it as I fish it out, flipping it open quickly. The map depicts three Titans at our location—myself, Robin, and the missing Wildebeest.

    "I don't understand," I huff, furrowing my eyes at the sight of his name. "It says he's right here."

    Robin narrows his own eyes and arches a brow, turning to look over the edge. "This must be where his last transmission originated." Slowly, Robin nears the edge. He looks behind a rock, before his gaze settles over the cliff. "Something's not right." Without looking back, he pulls a rope out of his utility belt, beginning to tie it to the rock. He looks up at me as he announces, "I'm going down there."

    I walk over to the Boy Wonder and pull his rope off the rock, which lifts and rotates so that I can sit on it comfortably. I tap it, gaining the masked boy's attention, and grin. "Want a ride?"

    Robin shoots me a sheepish smile and hops on, and I waste no time in flying us down. "No sign of Wildebeest," he notes, scanning the area. We're metres off the ground when something catches my attention—it almost looks like the letter 'T' imprinted in the ground. It's when we get closer that I realise it is, and it's none other than Wildebeest's broken communicator.

    "I guess we know now why he hasn't been answering us," I note.

    Robin looks up at me, having been observing the cliffs—probably for any sign of struggle from the missing hero. "What?" he asks, before his eyes land on the broken device. "Oh—"

    "We're in the right place," I state, leaning down. I pick up the back of the communicator and examine its barcode. "It's Wildebeest's. The code checks out."

    Robin crouches down next to me, taking the communicator from my hand. "I want you to get the Titans and continue searching here," he says.

    "And you?"

    As I stand up and take a step back, Robin does the same, turning his body to face me. "I'm going to find whoever did this."

    I frown at this blunt, vague statement. "Be careful," I tell him, beginning to fly us up. "Based on the broken communicator, I'd say Wildebeest isn't missing of his own will."

    Robin nods. "I always am. I'll see you soon."

    Robin jumps off as we reach the top of the canyon, walking before running away from the T-Ship. "Robin!" I shout, cupping my mouth to amplify my voice, and the Boy Wonder turns to me. "I'm leaving the ship, okay?"

    He nods curtly before turning and running once more, and I watch as he disappears into the night, almost reminiscent of his mentor. I shake my head and turn away from him, lifting off in the air and towards the Tower.


    My first action upon landing is to bolt down the stairs to the living quarters, where I know the other Titans will be. I decide I don't care for subtlety as my feet bang against each step, and I can hear how hollow they are.

    "Ember? That you?"

    Cyborg's voice echoes up the corridor, his hollers filing my ears. Though he can't see me, I nod eagerly. "Yeah. It's me, Cy." After a while, I add, "The others with you?"

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