Chapter Eighteen - Fear Itself

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    I'm glad I got this episode out. I almost forgot entirely to publish today, running on barely any sleep at the moment.

    "Okay," a red haired middle aged man says to the petrified cashier. "Either you admit that Warp Trek Five, which reunited the entire case of the classic TV series, deserved to be on your 'Favourite Rentals' list, or..." He presses a button on his remote, and the television in front of the cashier develops an evil smirk.

    "Please!" she protests. "I—I don't even know what Warp Trek is!"

    "And that, my little tribble, is why you must be destroyed!" The man presses another button on his remote and the television snaps to life, making its way to the cashier. It gets blasted by Cyborg's sonic cannon and the criminal in question looks in our direction. "Well, well, well. If it isn't my old Teen Titans!"

    "Um, yeah," Beast Boy says menacingly, before turning to Cyborg. "Who is this guy?"

    The red haired man narrows his eyes slightly in offence before pushing a button. Several images of the villain appear on the television screen, all speaking in sync with one another. "I am the master of monsters! I am your darkest nightmares come to life! I am...Control Freak!" At the end, Control Freak presses another button and the versions of him on the televisions start clapping.

    "A couch potato with a souped-up remote," Raven comments. "I'm petrified."

    "You will be," Control Freak replies. "You will be." Under his command, a mailbox next to Raven grows bigger and bigger, and she looks up in fright.

    Cyborg smashes into the mailbox's side. "Don't worry, Raven!" he shouts as he holds it back. "I can drop the drop box!"

    I look over to Control Freak, who's waving his remote teasingly. "Get his remote!" Robin and I shout in unison as we run side by side towards the villain, Starfire and Beast Boy close behind.

    "Show's not over, Titans," Control Freak says. "And if you thought Part One was scary, just wait for the sequels!" Under his influence, the cash registers, the shelves, and the posters all come to life.

    Robin readies his staff and runs at the poster. He whacks it, but it slithers through the air and knocks him far back. The cash registers chase Starfire down the aisles, shooting coins at her, and Beast Boy stumbles back, away from a large shelf. He turns into a dinosaur and the shelf squeals before he pushes it through the store.

    Raven skids to a stop next to me and together, we lift up the CD's scattered around us on the floor. "You like bad movies, right?" Raven asks as we direct them at Control Freak.

    "Yeah, but they like you!" Control Freak counters, and they join together before wrapping us both. We lock eyes in terror as we struggle against the persistent devices.

    Cyborg slams a shelf into the ground and smiles smugly, but his expression changes when he spots Control Freak pirouetting towards him, an action which somehow intimidates the metal teen. The villain presses a button on his remote and the candies behind Cyborg come to life and make their way towards him.

    "Eat him! Who's delicious now, big man?" they shout, their voices high in pitch.

    Cyborg turns on his heels and runs away as the candies attach themselves to him. "Bad candy, bad candy! Get off! Hey, hey! Stop that! Stop! That's not yours!"

    Starfire looks back at her pursuers before turning to face them and blasting them away with her starbolts. One of them dodges the blast and freezes midair, causing Starfire to bypass it, and it fires more coins at her. The alien gasps as one of them nearly catches her before zooming towards the wall. She kicks her body off the wall and shoots the register, destroying it and sending its remnants to the ground. Starfire leans down to pick up a coin but she's soon entangled by the wires of a television.

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