Chapter Twenty-One - Titan Rising

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And... Terra's back! I love her arc in this season, and I can only hope that I've done it justice here.

    I watch as Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy hit the ball repeatedly across the net, and I close the book as the round continues. Beast Boy changes into a gorilla to beat Cyborg to the ball, and he plummets it in Raven's direction.

    "Raven, heads up!" he calls. The ball turns black and she flies it back at the shapeshifter, who catches it. "Yow!... Thanks, uh... good save."

I put the book on the floor and stride over. "I'm subbing in now," I tell the Titans. "Who's coming off?" Cyborg escorts Robin off the court, though I'm fairly sure it's his turn to sit out, and I walk up to Beast Boy "Are you sure you don't want to play, Raven?" I ask, looking at the meditating girl to my right.

"Yes, please, you must volley the ball with us!" Starfire exclaims, jumping up and down.

"Come on!" Cyborg shouts, detaching his left arm and waving it around. "I'll play you with one hand behind my back."

"Does that offer stand for me?" I ask cheekily, though I already know the answer.


"I can't," Raven states, not turning around. "I have to meditate."

I smirk as I turn to face Starfire and Cyborg, and Beast Boy changes into a gorilla to begin the serve. It flies over our opponents' heads and zooms towards Raven. "Heads up, again!" Beast Boy shouts, and Raven moves out of the way, letting the ball fly past her and over the edge.

"OH, NO!" we all shout, our eyes wide as we watch the volleyball sail over. The sound of it bouncing on the rock can be heard and we all groan.

"I'll get it," Beast Boy says.

As he walks up to the edge to fly down and retrieve the ball, it bounces back up, landing at the shapeshifter's feet. A familiar silhouette rises up on a rock, her hands placed firmly on her hips. "So... which team am I on?"

    She lands softly on the ground and Beast Boy and Starfire race each other to her. "Terra!" they shout, repeating themselves more than they should. Starfire blasts Beast Boy out of the way after he pushes her away in gorilla form, and the girl engulfs Terra in a hug.

    "Terra! Oh, hello, long-lost friend! You remember me, yes?"

    Terra's face turns red. "Of course, Starfire. I still have bruises from the last time you hugged me."

    Beast Boy runs up to the blonde girl as Starfire lets go of the embrace. "Terra! You're... I mean, I... how's it... heh... wassup?" Terra hugs the shapeshifter and pinches his cheek, and I walk away to the roof's edge as the green teen falls over, hearts in his eyes.

    "Well, if it isn't my favourite little rock-and-roller?" Cyborg calls out as he and Robin make his way towards Terra.

    "Cyborg! Robin! What's shaking?" She high fives Cyborg and Robin offers his hand for her to shake.

    "Good to see you again."

    "Good?" Beast Boy shouts. "Is he kidding? It's great to see you again! I didn't think I'd ever see you again!" Terra blushes and Beast Boy drags her over to me.

    "Hey, Ember," I hear Terra say, and I turn around.

    "Terra," I greet with a cool smile spread across my face.

    Beast Boy drags Terra over to the meditating girl on the other side of the roof. "Raven, wake up! Terra's back! Isn't that awesome?"

    "Super," Raven says without turning around. "Just help yourself to anything in the fridge, and don't forget to lock the door when you leave."

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