Chapter Two - Sisters

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Fireworks explode in front of me, and the Ferris Wheel chair rocks back and forth slowly. I lean forward, my elbows cradling my face.

"Thank you," I say, looking at the boy next to me. "This means a lot to me."

He smiles at me, his features illuminated by the light the fireworks provide. His smile grows slowly, and he awkwardly leans forward and pulls out something straddled in between his feet. "Uh... cotton candy?" he asks, offering it to me.

I nod slowly and accept the masked boy's offer. "Thank you, Robin," I manage, placing a small portion on the tip of my tongue and feeling it disappear.

Robin gives a chuckle and places his left arm behind me. I welcome the gesture, and lean into it slowly. "Any time, Ember," he replies. His attention is quickly brought back to the firework display and he gives a cheer. "Here comes the finale! Yes!" He leans forward and thrusts his fist in the air, leaving me to gaze at him. The crease that's normally present in his forehead has vanished, and his smile is broad and genuine. He looks happy.

Just as I fully lean into Robin's embrace, Starfire zooms past, screaming and struggling against a pink light. "STARFIRE!" Robin yells before jumping off the Ferris Wheel, grappling onto the top for a steadier land. I summon the wind and float down. "Ember!" he calls, and I nod carefully, not yet snapped out of my daze, and follow him to the carnival games.

"Boo-yah!" Cyborg faintly cheers as we make our way over hastily.

"Sweet!" Beast Boy chimes in, then looks at Raven. "Told you we'd win you a prize," he says, giving her the chicken in his hand.

Raven barely acknowledges the gesture. "A giant chicken. I must be the luckiest girl in the world."

Robin and I land in front of them, and he's quicker to get to his feet. "Titans! Trouble!"

"Where's Starfire?" Cyborg questions.

"That's the trouble," Robin replies, and we all run to the pier.

Starfire and her abductor are closer than expected, and Robin and I are quick to arrive. Beast Boy and Cyborg stand on the pier, star struck, gazing at the green and pink lights in the sky. I summon my power and lift myself up into the air before zooming off in the general direction of the alien girl.

"Wherever you are taking me, I do not wish to go!" Starfire exclaims before shooting starbolts at her attacker. It releases her in a struggle and she zooms past me. Before I can register much else, the pink light rushes past my ear. I look down at the water and fly just above it, my hands gathering it for more power. I rise back up and face the probe.

"If you want to get to her, you'll have to go through me first!" I yell and lift my hands, causing water to shoot out of them. It electrocutes the abductor, sending it flying down into the water. I stare down at it until a hand grabs my own and pulls me back to the pier.

"Thank y—" Starfire begins, but is interrupted by a tentacle brushing against her arm. She flies away in a hurry, causing it to chase after her. I hear her gasps as she flies away. "No more chasing now, please!" she shouts, but to no avail.

"Who's her new best friend?" Beast Boy asks, looking in disbelief.

"Don't know... but I can't wait to meet him," Robin replies, socking his fist into his hand. The probe comes around again and Beast Boy changes into a crocodile. He goes for its top but misses, and it flies free. Raven throws a hot dog stand at it, but the hot dog stand breaks instead.

I let out a battle cry and shoot flames from my body. It doesn't even penetrate the surface of the probe, and the flames ricochet and knock me over. I stand up slowly, my feet threatening to buckle under my own weight, but the sound of grinding metal catches my attention and I turn around. Cyborg has grabbed the back of the probe and pulls it back with all his might.

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