Chapter Thirty-Seven - Bunny Raven... or... How to Make a Titananimal Disappear!

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    This episode, like the Mad Mod one in season one, was tricky to write, with all the magic tricks, illusions and all.

    We arrive at Jump City Bank just as Mumbo reaches into and pulls a coin out of the teller's ear. "I just love a captive audience," the villain states, almost dreamily.

    "They may be captive now, but you're the one who's getting locked up!" comes Robin's immediate response, resulting in Mumbo turning around to face us.

    "You forget, I'm an escape artist," he replies, before throwing several ping pong balls that scatter throughout the room. I pull the pillar to my right up and break it up into several pieces that deflect the ping pong balls.

    "Whoa!" Cyborg calls, and I look over to see his feet tied by a string of colourful handkerchiefs that pull him across the room. He collides with the second pillar, blocking our vision, and flicks cards towards Starfire which push her over with a squeal. Beast Boy stalks towards Mumbo as a crocodile but another string of handkerchiefs binds his jaw together.

    I pull the largest remnant of the pillar under my feet and take to the air, flying at high speed towards the magician. Mumbo pulls out his handkerchiefs, but I bring up a rope of water and pull it towards me, aiming to lasso the villain.

    Unfortunately, the tied handkerchiefs seem to obey Mumbo's command, and I find this out the hard way as my head collides with the wall on the other side of the bank. I stand up slowly and pull myself mere centimetres into the air so that I don't topple over from dizziness.

    Raven floats up behind Mumbo, only alerting him to her presence when she speaks. "That all you've got?"

    In response, Mumbo flicks a red ball towards the cloaked girl, who places it under her influence and shoots it right back. 

    "Alakazam!" Mumbo shouts, as he waves his wand above Raven. Three hoops form after a burst of lightning and they tighten their grip around her.

     "Cute trick," Raven spits from her binds. "Ready to see some real magic?" Raven's eyes turn white and black energy crackles around her, hoops breaking into pieces as she speaks her incantation. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

    The pillar hiding the other four Titans is lifted in a spell of black light and swoops through Mumbo, but he vanishes before impact before reappearing once he is safe.

    "Trying to steal the limelight, eh? Then I guess I'll just have to make you part of the act!" Mumbo holds out his wand. "Mumbo-jumbo!"

    The pillar that Raven had under her control suddenly turns into a dule of doves that circle around her at such a speed that they create a tornado. Raven lets out a squeal and reaches her hand out to the closest person--me.

    "Raven!" I call. I waste no time in grabbing her hand, but my feet are soon lifted from the ground.

    "Ember!" I feel two gloved hands grip my ankle tightly as the Boy Wonder joins our chain. I don't dare look back at him, instead focusing on staying interlocked with the half-demon.

    "Robin!" Starfire says, presumably grabbing his ankles as Robin did to me.

    "Starfire!" Cyborg shouts, and I feel a increase in the resistance as Starfire and Cyborg, the two strongest members on our team, rein us in.

    "DUDES!!" I feel us completely stop in space for a second, before the trumpet of an elephant rings throughout the room and one by one, we're sucked into the hat.

    I look around at the black and white tunnel we drop through, before pulling my free hand towards Raven's. My eyes widen as my grip falters for a split second, mirroring Raven's reaction, and she lets out a petrified shriek as she falls away from us.

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