Chapter Forty-Seven - The Prophecy

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    We're almost at Chapter Fifty—I can't believe it!

    I tap my lip in thought as the Raven on screen runs from the fiery room and the flames that surround her. Slade emerges from them, and I close my eyes, mouthing his next words silently as he says them through the crackling speaker.

    "It has begun."

    "Freeze!" Robin orders. Beast Boy, having expected this, presses pause almost instantly. "Rewind."

    "Dude, we've been looking at this thing all day," the shapeshifter groans. "I'm telling you, there's nothing else there." I shoot the teen a forlorn look as he sits up, glancing at me for help.

    "There has to be. Play it again."

    Beast Boy sighs, having already given up. " 'Slade Kicks Butt,' take three hundred and four." The green Titan moves to press play but the remote flies out of his hand before he can do so and into mine. Mumbling his confusion, he glances around before his gaze lands on me.

    "Get some rest, Beast Boy," I say, waving the remote at him.

    Beast Boy grins as much as he can muster, moving to jump over the couch. I wince as he lands on top of it, a showcase of his fatigue other than the dark circles under his eyes, before falling to the other side, but he instantly gets up and heads for the door. "Works for me."

    I hear two set of footsteps; one getting closer to Robin and I and one retreating. The Boy Wonder doesn't turn around, though I know he has come to the same conclusion that someone is there. "Cyborg. Anything?"

    "I cross-matched that symbol with every database on the planet." Robin's gaze remains locked on the screen in front of him, flashing the symbol Cyborg keeps referring to, but I turn around to see Cyborg reading from a list of notes on a piece of paper.

    "And?" I prompt. "Did you find what it means?"

    With a weary expression, as if he'd been asked this question a hundred times, Cyborg shakes his head. "No. Nothing. Whatever it is, it's not from Earth."

    "New powers? Cryptic threats? Targeting Raven? Slade's playing a whole new game now." Robin walks towards the screen and I zoom in on the red marking on Slade's forehead. "And this symbol is the key. We will find out what it means."

    I think back to what Raven told me on the day that the camera's footage was taken. Do I respect her wishes and not tell anyone about her destiny? Or do I inform Robin of the potential lead? A resigned sigh leaves my lips and I know what I'm going to say before the words leave my lips. "We have to."

    Silence falls upon the three of us, and Cyborg is the first to break it. "I'm gonna go back to the library." Without warning, he turns around, but pauses at the door and mumbles, "See if I can actually find something worthwhile." Before I can call out to him, assure him that he's being useful, the door slams shut and Robin and I are left in the room by ourselves.

    I turn back to the screen, holding the remote out. "Hey." Robin takes the remote out of my hands and places his left hand there instead. It is only then when I realise my hand was shaking, and though the action was only slight, it was prominent enough for the Boy Wonder to notice. His words instantly calm me, and I slow my rapid breathing. "It's okay."

    "Yeah, I know," I say strongly as he presses a kiss to my cheek, breath lingering for a second before retreating. "I just wanna work this out. For Raven."

    Robin kisses my forehead next, humming his response against it. "Yeah." His right hand weaves through my hair and holds me steady, his other hand still in mine. His thumb rubs circles around the back of my hand. A small smile finds its way to my face. Robin sees this and pulls away.

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