Chapter Forty-Two - The Quest

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    I am so looking forward to writing this season - seasons four and one are definitely my favourites. If anyone has any ideas, the plot isn't finalised so I'll take things into consideration.

    I lean on the frame of Robin's bedroom door, watching silently as he packs his things. He begins by opening his wardrobe and pulling out a red backpack, before setting it on his bed softly.

    His words echo through my mind, and I attempt to grasp one and make sense of it. "If you want to be the best, you will have to seek the True Master?" I repeat, dumbfounded.

    "That's what Katarou said," Robin responds, pulling the devices out of his utility belt and laying them all on the bed next to his backpack.

    "Have you considered that Katarou might be lying?" I question.

    "Why would he be lying?"

    "This True Master is in another country, at least," I point out, biting my lip as I pause. "With you out of the picture, just think of what he could get his hands on."

    Robin hesitates as he places his birdarang in the red bag, only to continue with the action. "I'm going alone," he states nonchalantly, not even looking up as he speaks. "If Katarou attempts anything, you'll be here to stop him."

    I ignore his comment and press on with my interrogation. "How long will you be gone for?" I query.

    "I don't know."

    The Boy Wonder's answer paralyses me momentarily. I blink several times, as if the action will allow me to comprehend what the masked Titan said. "You don't know?"

    "I won't come back until I find the True Master. I can't."

    I focus on changing my shocked expression to a more stern one. "Correction: you can, you just don't want to." Robin looks up at me and I walk over to him. "Look, Katarou beat you. Doesn't mean you get to just disappear."

    Robin straps on his utility belt. "I should have beat him--after I find the True Master, I will." The leader's eyes narrow slightly in determination as he socks his fist into his palm.

    "You fought Katarou by yourself, holding your own against someone at least twice your age," I remind him. "That's an impressive feat." I huff as I remember the Boy Wonder sneaking off in the middle of the night. "Next time, promise me you won't go alone."

    "Next time, I'll beat him. It doesn't matter," Robin replies.

    "It does," I counter. "You didn't tell any of us where you were going, what you were doing, not until it was too late." My words hang in the silence of the room, so I continue. "Promise me that next time, you'll at least find me first. We're a team for a reason."

    Robin freezes before standing up, cradling a box in his hands. "Fine," he concedes. "But I'm still going to find the True Master."

    In that moment, I realise that this is something that the Boy Wonder needs to do to get his confidence back, hopefully along with some added expertise. I look over my shoulder and fly Robin's communicator into my hands, before grabbing his hands and placing it in them, squeezing his hands tightly. "Try to come back as soon as you can."

    Robin looks from our joined hands to me before grinning wildly. "Sure thing," he says, squeezing my hands back.

    The sound of a throat being cleared from behind us jolts me around. "Did we come at a bad time?" Cyborg asks, and I intertwine my hands behind my back, a heavy blush creeping onto my cheeks. Cyborg removes his fist from in front of his mouth, standing at the back of the pack of four. His eyes catch the Boy Wonder's and they converse with their eyes alone, though I can't pick the emotions that either of them are reflecting.

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