Chapter Thirty-Six - Can I Keep Him?

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    I'm back! Sorry for the wait, but as promised, another chapter will be up as soon as I can.

    We arrive at a small intersection in the middle of the city. Beast Boy reverts to human form as Starfire and I drop the other two boys. Once our hands are free, we shoot starbolts and sharp pellets of water at a large, robotic dog. Starfire jumps down in front of the woman and her child that were in peril, and I leap down so that I am beside her.

    "We're shutting you down, Johnny--" Robin begins as he lands in the middle of us. I train my eyes on Johnny Rancid as I spot him rather than looking at the black haired leader or any of the other Titans that I can hear landing on the ground.

    "And your little dog, too," Raven finishes, somewhere to my right.

    "Anybody got a gigantic rolled-up newspaper?" Beast Boy jokes, only to be met with silence. By now, every civilian has fled the scene, and it's just us and the villain at hand.

    "Wrex, sic 'em!" Johnny Rancid shouts, and the robotic dog leaps into action.

    "Titans! Go!" Robin shouts, but we've already split and Wrex is forced to change course. He charges at Cyborg and Starfire, but Raven jumps in front of them and pulls cars in the way, which Wrex pummels through before throwing the trio in separate directions.

    Wrex pivots and finds Robin, who has two hand-held staffs: one in each hand. The Boy Wonder leaps into the air and with several grunts, continuously whacks Wrex. After a while, he stops, and the robotic dog lies unmoving. Robin takes a step closer and is instantly punished for it as he is, like the others, sent flying.

    Johnny Rancid immediately starts laughing as I move behind him. "Smooth move, Bird-Boy!" he calls out. "My dog is kicking your--"

    I cut him off by warming up the inside of my hand and catching Rancid in a headlock, before using the earth below me to boost him in the air. From there, Cyborg blasts his sonic cannon, and Rancid crumples under a mountain of debris.

    I grin at Rancid and open my mouth to speak, but a shadow looms over me and I front tuck out of the way. I don't have enough time to look back but can hear Wrex land on the ground where I had stood before growling.

    When I look around, I see Cyborg holding Wrex by the chain. I pull rocks around my forearms and hands and grab onto the chain, helping the mechanic teen out.

    "Starfire! Raven!" he grunts from behind me. "Let him have it!" As he says this, Wrex becomes airborne, whipping Cyborg and I around and running in all sorts of directions.

    "Whoooooaaaaa!" Cyborg yells. "Down, boy! Heel! HEEL!!" I release one hand and pull the wind back on Wrex, and he stops quickly.

    "On my world, such a pet would merely be considered playful," Starfire says from above us.

    I hear Raven's magic ignite. "Then let's play."

    Raven cuts the chain in front of us, releasing Cyborg and I, and Wrex starts to move. The half-demon pulls a lamp post from next to her. "Fetch," she says, and when she flicks the lamp post away, the robotic dog follows obediently.

    The second the lamp post's in the dog's mouth, Starfire, Cyborg and I all blast it, Wrex's remains stopping at my feet.

    "Ember! Where's Johnny?" Robin says as he runs to catch up.

    I look around, my senses focusing on the green teen running up to us. "I was helping Cyborg. Ask Beast Boy."

    We all turn around and glance at the shapeshifter expectantly, but he only points at Robin. "Um... I thought you had him?" We all let out a long groan and Beast Boy lets out a sorry smile at us as we walk past him.

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