Chapter Forty-One - Don't Touch That Dial

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    Welcome to Season Four! I just want to take the time to thank each and every one of you for your continued support; I know it sounds generic, but every single vote, comment, and message that I get means the world to me. :)

    I break my eyes away from the orange and purple sky for a second as I hear someone bounding through the hallway. As I turn back to the sunrise before me, I spot my earphones and the device attached to them on the table beside me, not wasting a second before grabbing them and placing the left one in my ear, with music instantly filling my soul.

    I feel a knowing smile begin to flood my face as I instantly recognise the tune. My foot begins to tap infectiously, before my head starts to nod along to the music. I turn around and lift a pebble off the table and hit the button next to my door softly, so as not to break it, causing it to open. I stroll out of my room and aimlessly begin to walk towards the kitchen, humming and then singing the tune playing through my earphone as I go.

    "I used to think maybe you loved me, now I know that it's true..." I close my eyes and hold my hands out as I let the music take over, doing a little spin at the turn.

    "And I don't want to spend my whole life just a-waiting for you..." As I round the corner, I open my eyes and take the intermission between lyrics to make sure no one is within earshot. Once sure, I close my eyes again and let the music consume me once more.

    "Now, I don't want you back for the weekend, not back for a day..." My grip on the device playing the music tightens as I reach my hand out to open the door to the living room.

    "I said, baby, I just want you back, and I want you to stay," I finish, taking the time to catch my breath, back turned to the living room as I do another spin, completely in another one of my elements.

    "I'm walking on--" I whip around at the sound of someone clearing their throat, my cheeks instantly flushing red at the sight of a Titan in the room.

    "Dude, I respect it, but I'm kinda trying to watch Danger Team Five over here. Do you mind?"

    I rub the back of my neck and my bottom lip tucks itself in between my teeth as I meet the eyes of Beast Boy, who has rotated from his position on the couch. While he stares at me, eyebrows raised, I grin awkwardly and pull the earphone out of my ear. "Sorry."

    Beast Boy mirrors my grin and nods before turning back to the screen in front of him and turning it back up to what could easily be maximum volume. I shoot the shapeshifter an incredulous look, despite his eyes remaining fixed on the program.

    I walk over to the kitchen and get a mug from the drawer. As my eyes alter between him and the television, the screen flickers and a singular, blue dot fills the screen. Almost hypnotised, I put the empty cup that I had gotten from the drawer in front of me on the bench and slowly wander towards the couch, placing my palms on the top and leaning on them.

    "Nothing is wrong with your television," a familiar voice begins, and my body stiffens at his voice. "Do not attempt to change the channel. Your regularly scheduled program will not be seen because I am controlling the transmission."

    "Dude..." Beast Boy wonders aloud, and I tap him, silently telling him to be quiet.

    "I control the horizontal. I control the vertical."  A blue, horizontal bar fills the screen, quickly rotating to be vertical as the voice says the two words. Eight fingers squeeze in between the bar and pull it open, revealing Control Freak.

    "And those buttons on your remote that don't seem to do anything?" Control Freak continues, his face too close to the screen for my liking. "I know what they're for!"

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